Sri Lanka Moor Family Genealogy


Abdul Rahman - 80


Noordeen Hajiar Abdul Caffoor Hajiar aka NDH Abdul Caffoor


The Arabs who settled in the maritime coast, particularly in Beruwela, had expert knowledge of gems and precious stones. They penetrated into the gem mining centers and did considerable mining for these precious stones. The ancestors of Abdul Caffoor started gemming in this area. They took their stones to Colombo where the Arab navigators bought Ceylon produce in the warehouses of the "Yons" or "Yonakas", later known as "Moors".


This family made Colombo their permanent residence and continued their gemming activities at Asthen Korale at Eheliyagoda. The earliest known record of Abdul Caffoor’s ancestors name in a public document is in 1840  where Samosothen Lebbe Cassim Lebbe appears in a list of seventy four contributors for the purchase of a property for Maradana Mosque.


Cassim Lebbe had several sons:-

- Noordeen Hajiar - father of NDH Abdul Hameed, Caffoor, Careem, Cader & Wahab

- Samsudeen Shroff Mudaliyar of Colombo Kachcheri - father of Haji Cassim, a Trustee of Maradana Mosque, who had two sons, Mohideen Cassim and Ilyas Cassim

- Rahmatullah alias Periya Thamby - father of PTM Ghiyas of St. Joseph’s Street, Grandpass

- Abdul Rahman - father of Dr ARMWaffarn


Cassim Lebbe’s male lineal ascendants in reverse chronological order are:-

Samsathen Lebbe - Bahaudeen - Noordeen - Rahmatullah - Abdul Rahman

Cassim Lebbe married the widow Ummu Hany, a daughter of Oduma Lebbe Marikar Sekadi Marikar. She was the younger sister of S.M. Cassim Lebbe Marikar (Mudaliyar).

Noordeen Hajiar, besides carrying on his own business, was one of the Commissioners selected by the Municipality to value Colombo properties for the recovery of rates.


His brother, Samsudeen Shroff Mudaliyar, carried the stately features of the Arab origin of his family that Governor Gregory and Lord Stanley doubted that he was a native of Ceylon, based on his appearance. Another brother was Sheikh Abdul Cader Marikar, Shroff of the Treasury and grandfather of Nazli Samsudeen (Duke). Another son was C.L.Rahmatullah, alias Periya Thamby, a gem merchant in whose shop Abdul Caffoor learnt the gem trade.


Abdul Caffoor started his gems and jewellery business at Bristol Hotel building in 1894. He had special permission to board the ships that called at the Colombo harbour and sell his gems and jewellery to the sailors. By special command, Abdul Caffoor was allowed the privilege of exhibiting pearls, diamonds, rubies and sapphires and art works to the Prince and Princess of Wales at the Kandy Pavilion, during their Royal visit in 1901. His stall was given a prominent place at the Wembley Exhibition in 1924  and Her Majesty Queen Mary personally visited his pavillion and made purchases. It was by sheer merit that he achieved success.


At his own expense he took part in a series of world exhibitions which, while increasing his own reputation, brought publicity to the Island. Some of the exhibitions in which he participated were, the St. Louis Exhibition in USA in 1903, All Ceylon Exhibition in 1912, the British Expire Exhibition in 1924  and the Philadelphia Exhibition in 1925. His gems were considered some of the finest collections to be exhibited in the USA. When he returned to Ceylon after the Wembley Exhibition, the then Governor of Ceylon congratulated him on "the valuable work done".


Among the many Muslim institutions that benifited from Abdul Caffoor’s philanthrophy was the Zahira College. He built and equipped a complete Science block, in addition to building sixteen classrooms for the school. Further he donated a sum of Rs. 100,000  to inaugurate a building scheme for Zahira College Hostel and also donated 18  acres of land at Maharagama to be utilized for practical schools. The branch schools of Zahira College also received his generous gifts, as also many Mosques throughout the Island, the Deaf and Blind School at Ratmalana, and the Boy’s Industrial School at Maharagama. The major cost of building Masjid Muhiyadeen at Messenger Street, Colomso, with its striking Minarets and Saracenic horeshoe arches, was borne by him.


Later, in 1932, he established a Muslim Theological Institute, known as the Ghaffooria Arabic College, for the study of Arabic, at Maharagama. He has endowed the institute with a premises at Grandpass valued at five hundred thousand rupees. The Ghaffoor Trust has been established for the purpose of promoting the education of Muslims. It is endowed with the Gaffoor building in the Fort, valued at four million rupees.


When His Excellency Governor General Sir Henry Moore unveiled the portrait of Abdul Caffoor at Zahira College on March 1, 1949, he said, "that the portrait would not only be a lasting memorial but also serve as an encouragement to others to emulate him". Further His Excellency said, "Wherever he travelled, he maintained the highest traditions of business and promoted the best interests of Ceylon, and, despite his great business acumen andthe wealth he acquired, he lived a simple life according to the devout Muslim tradition, and he was always happy to share his wealth with the needy and the less fortunate".


Mr AMA Azeez, Principal of Zahira College, said referring to Abdul Caffoor, "his charity was not the kind that was alloyed with local or Imperial honours or with places in the Councils of the realm. In his charity there was no ostentation displayed and there was no applause sought. In the true Muslim way he concealed his charity so much that his left hand did not know what his right hand spent".


Comparing him to the Carnegies and the Rocerfellers, Mr Azeez added that he had not only given abundantly in his lifetime but had also provided for abundant giving even after his death.


Relating an incident in which the late Abdul Caffoor had proved his integrity and sense of fair play, Mr AF Molamure, Speaker of the House of Representatives, stated at a meeting at Zahira College, that, as a businessman it was difficult to find his equal in honesty. His father had offered a stone to Abdul Caffoor and had wanted forty five thousand rupees for it. Abdul Caffoor had given him sixty five thousand insisting that that was its correct value.


In the Memorandum of the Ceylon Moor’s Association to the Chairman and Members of the Royal Commission on Constitutional Reform, submitted on January 20, 1945, the following reference is made to the munificence of Abdul Caffoor: "the endowment of a property worth 20  lakhs of rupees in the heart of the city of Colombo by a Ceylon Moor as gift to the nation is unprecedented in the history of the Island".


At a lecture in 1945, at the Moor’s Islamic Cultural Home, Dr W. Balendra LMS (Cey), FRCS, LDS (Eng), LRCP (London), referring to Abdul Caffoor stated,

"you come up to this Island from abroad. When the ship approaches the harbour I have come several times and what is it you find the Gem Palace (Gem Museum) standing over-looking the harbour. You go past from the harbour and you go along Galle Face and you find a series of flats, the creation of Moor business integrity, but there is something more in the Gem Palace"


"Here is a man, a native of this Island, creating wealth from unpolished stones, taking these stones to far off lands in New York, Paris and other parts of the world, bringing wealth to this country, putting up buildings (Caffoor Building) which are some of the highest in this land, but at the end giving a part of his wealth for the benefit of his fellow-men. A civilization which can produce such a man is a very high type of civilization".


"It is different from the civilization of the other races of the world. It is a civilization which asks you to look forward to some other world, a civilization which advises you to exploit the useful to man, and after exploiting it, after using it, not to possess it but to divide it among the fellow-men is a very high type of civilization".


Abdul Caffoor had a unique collection of precious stones and jewellery. In 1929  Abdul Caffoor established a Gem Museum at Church Street, Fort, Colombo. Sir Herbert Stanley, then Governor, when opening he Museum paid tribute to him for his presentation for permanent exhibition, at the Imperial Institute, South Kensington, of a valuable exhibit of Ceylon stones.


His devotion to religion was deep and profound. He never missed his daily prayers even when travelling in mid winter and his entire life was characterized by piety. He had travelled extensively around the world and he visited the placeses of Islamic interest in Makkah, Madinah, Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo and India. many travellers enjoyed his lavish hospitality during their stay in Colombo. "Icicle Hall" (now Sri Kotha), in Colombo, was latterly his residence.


Abdul Caffoor will always be remembered, besides other things, for his philanthropy. His name is well known in many a foreign land.


He breathed his last at his residence at Colpetty, at the age of 73, and was given the honour of being buried at the Maradana Mosque ground.


His eldest son was Al Haj Falil Abdul Caffoor (1907-1980), MP (Colombo), MMC, MBE and Honorary Consul for Iraq. Falil was educated at St. Thomas’ College, Colombo. Henheld a Gem Exhibition in England and also founded the All Ceylon Muslim League of which he held the position of Deputy President. He entered politics in 1954  by contesting the CMC election and winning in 1965. Was elected MP Colombo Central in 1965. Presdient YMMA Sports Club. Director, Bank of Ceylon. Died:31-Mar-1980

Another son Mohideen Caffoor was resident in England and Mohamed Rafi Caffoor succeeded in carrying on the business. His other sons, the genial Yusuf Caffoor and the upright Zubair Caffoor pre-deceased him.


Noordeen Hajiar Mohamed Abdul Cader b:10-Feb-1879, d:29-Aug-1938 aka NHM Abdul Cader


Noordeen Hajiar Mohamed Abdul Caderwas the younger brother of Noordeen Hajiar Abdul Caffoor. He was educated at Wesley College. He continued his studies and qualified as a Proctor & Notary Public in 1907.


Abdul Cader led a full life. He was one of the leading proctors of the day and represented the Muslims in the Legislative Council for fifteen years. He was Senior Municipal Councillor at the time of his death. He was also the President of the All ceylon Muslim League at a critical period of its history. As a businessman he was one of the pioneers of the cinema business in Ceylon.


Abdul Cader succeeded WM Abdul Rahman as the Muslim Member of the Legislative Council in 1915. He was in the center of every activity whcih concerned the Muslim community. He was always ready to enter the fray and fearless in expressing his sentiments and feelings.


Abdul Cader entered the Colombo Municipal Council for the Pettah Ward in 1908  and continued to be a member for the next thirty years, and except during the last term in council, He was always returned uncontested. Among his contemporaries were outstanding men like Sir James Peiris, Arthur Alvis, Hector Jayawardena, TL Villiers, CP Dias and HL de Mel. Member Legislative Council 1916-1930. Manager Zahira College 1921-1938.


Both in the Legislative and Municipal Councils, Abdul Cader advocated equal educational facilities for Muslims as was available for the more progressive communities in the Island. He was convinced that there can be no progress without education even if the boys in the families inherited their fathers business. His eldest son, Dr Marzook Abdul Cader, who passed away at the early age of 49, had a brilliant career in England and qualified as an ENT specialist.


His position as President of the Muslim League was never challenged while he held it. In all negotiations with the Government and with other communities for constitutional reform, the views of the Muslim League commanded respect with a man like him at the helm.


He was also President of the Maradana Mosque Executive Committee for twenty five years, taking over from Aboobucker Lebbe Marikar Ibrahim Lebbe Marikar (uncle of MLM Reyal ex MMC Colombo). In 1921  he became the Manager of Zahira College, the leading Muslim school in the Island. The College progressed rapidly under his capable management and the principalship of Mr TB Jayah.


Schools in Muslim areas received much less Government help than they do today. Abdul Cader introduced a motion in the Legislative Council for an annual grant of Rs. 150,000  towards the promotion of education among Mohamedans. The motion seconded by K. Balasingham was defeated. However the motion succeeded in obtaining a grant of Rs 25,000  from the Government for Zahira College.


Abdul Cader represented the Muslims in the Legislative Council from 1915  to 1931, safeguarding their interests with great care and watchfulness, while undertaking more than his fair share of work in matters pertaining to the welfare of his country.


He was a popular member, noted for his sturdy independence, tenacity and outspoken views. It was mainly due to him that the Muslim marriage Ordinance was enacted. In educational and religious matters he was a tower of strength to his community.


Sometimes his bluntness led him into trouble, as when he was sued for libel after he had denounced, in the legislative Council, a high official for what is believed was an injustice done to a Muslim doctor. He fought the case until the intervention of the Colonial Secretary, Sir Arthur Fletcher, led to a settlement. As a result of the case, Sir Vaitilingam Duraiswamy introduced in the Legislative Council a bill to confer immunity, on all speeches and statements made in the Council, from the process of the Courts.


In all things he did, Abdul Cader showed determination and foresight. He foresaw a successful field of activity for his sons in the cinema business and his sons have more than justified the confidence reposed on them.


Abdul Cader’s statement at an interview to the Ceylon Independent in 1917  is very characteristic of the man,


" among the Mohamedans, they had a very undesirable system of charity, that of giving feasts of Kanduri, with no beneficial results. It would certainly be charity if the poor are fed, but that is not what is done at these feasts. Men like myself, others equally prosperous, are feted. I have not the slightest objection to the feeding of the poor, but my experience has been that the poor are the least thought of at these feasts, so called charity. A portion of the money spent on these feasts may with advantage be diverted to better purposes, such as education".


His demise after an operation on August 30, 1938, came as a rude shock to his many admirers.


His sons are Dr Marzuk A Cader (deceased), Mohideen A Cader, Jabir A Cader MP, MMC, (former Mayor), Hamza A Cader, Ansar A Cader, Chartered Accountant, Shafeek A Cader, Shuhaib A Cader, Ashroff A Cader (All Ceylon Rugby player), Zachroff A Cader (Dental Surgeon), Huzaim A Cader, Huzair A Cader and Ifthikar A Cader (Cost Accountant). His daughters are Ayesha Cader (wife of HE Mr MMMaharoof High Commissioner in Malaysia), Thufa Cader (w/o Aamir Sheriff) and Aynul Rifa Cader.

Death of Jabir A. Cader a big loss for the community and the nation

- AHM Azwer Sat Jun 29  2002


The demise of Alhaj Jabir A Cader is a big loss for the community and the nation - AHM Azwer, Minister of Parliamentary Affairs states in his condolence message sent from the State of Kerala in India.


Further in his condolence message, the Minister said Alhaj Jabir A. Cader not only touched the hearts of Colombo civilians but hearts of all other communities in the island by his service rendered through the community development projects and social service.


Being a close associate, I have worked with him for 45  years. I greatfully remember the services he rendered to the community being a founder member of All Ceylon Muslim League. He started his political career as Member of Colombo Municipal Council and became Mayor of Colombo, Member of Parliament and Deputy Minister of Health and Rural Industrial Development.


He was instrumental in initiating many community development projects and gave good leadership to the youth. When the United National Party was formed at "Palm Court" he represented the All Ceylon Muslim League with President of ACML Mr TB Jayah, Mr MH Amith, ex-MP, and Mr MT Marikkar Bawa. He made use of his political career to serve the community in poverty alleviation and rural upliftment. He also always in the forefront when it came to enhancing social activities. He was also loved by people of all communities who referred to him as leader of the Colombo citizens. He was 86  years at the time of his death. His demise is a great loss for the community.


NOTE: The name CAFFOOR is a derivative from the actual Arabic name GHAFFOOR, meaning “forgiver”, which is an attribute of Allah (one of His ninety nine attributes) and is meant to be used with the prefix ABDUL as in ABDUL GHAFFOOR meaning “servant of the Forgiver”. It has by usage now become “CAFFOOR” and is used in this manner bymany of the descendants of the family


Abdul Rahman           circa 1640

Rahmatullah               circa 1680

Noordeen                    circa 1720

Bahauddin                  circa 1760


Shekhadi (Sheikh Abdul Cader) Marikar Cassim (Casy) Lebbe Marikar Shamsudeen, Kachcheri Shroff, b: circa 1800 (90)

2  Cassim Lebbe Marikar Mohamed Shamsudeen (d:1850) Kachcheri Shroff + Ummu Hany Sheikh Abdul Cader Marikar (d/o of Oduma Lebbe Marikar Sekadi Marikar(90a)


Mohamed Shamsudeen Cassim (Casy) Lebbe Marikar (d:1882) Shroff Mudaliyar Hafsa Umma Mohamed Cassim (1843) (90)


     4  Abdul Rahman Shamsuddin + Kandu Umma

              5  Aynul Vadooda Muheeth 1919-1986 + Abdul Cader Abdul Hameed

         6  Sithy Hajeera Abdul Hameed + Mohamed Warid Shahul Hameed

                             7  Fathima Shahzamee Shahul Hameed+Ahmed Farzand Ferozenoon

                          8  Ahmed Shahzad Ferozenoon

                          8  Mariam Sadia Ferozenoon

                          8  Ahmed Farhad Ferozenoon

                            7  Mohamed Awad Shahul Hameed+Sithy Kamila Anver

                          8  Khalid Awad

                          8  Ghazzali Awad


         6  Mohammed Muheeth Abdul Hameed + Muharram Hassen

                            7  Mohamed Azeem Hameed

                            7  Mohamed Ayub Hameed

                            7  Fathima Safra Hameed


         6  Ummu Shifa Abdul Hameed + Abdul Azeez

                           7  Fathima Shahreen Abdul Azeez

             7  Abdul Quadir alias Azmy Abdul Azeez


             5  Mohammed Fauz Muheeth 1920-1986

             5  Abdul Majeed Muheeth 1921-2006 + Noor Inaya Mohammed Salih

             5  Mohammed Cassim Muheeth 1924-2004 + Sithy Lafira

                 6  Fathima Shamila Muheeth

                 6  Mohammed Hilal Muheeth

     4  Aasiya Umma Shamsuddin + Abdul Azeez Cassim Lebbe Marikar

     4  [Cassim Hajiar Shamsuddin + Rahila


2  2nd spouse of Cassim Lebbe Marikar Mohamed Shamsudeen (d:1850) + Ummu Hany Sheikh Abdul Cader Marikar (d/o of Oduma Lebbe Marikar Shekadi Marikar) (90a)

 3  Mohamed Shamsudeen Cassim (Casy) Lebbe Marikar (d:1882) + Hafsa Umma Mohamed Cassim (1843) (90)

 4  Abdul Rahman Shamsuddin + Kandu Umma

                 5  Ummu Shifa Abdul Rahman + Mohammed Muheeth Cassim Lebbe Marikkar (#95)

             6  Aynul Vadooda Muheeth 1919-1986 + Abdul Cader Abdul Hameed

         7  Sithy Hajeera Abdul Hameed + Mohamed Warid Shahul Hameed

                             8  Fathima Shahzamee Shahul Hameed+Ahmed Farzand Ferozenoon

                          9  Ahmed Shahzad Ferozenoon

                          9  Mariam Sadia Ferozenoon

                          9  Ahmed Farhad Ferozenoon

                             8  Mohamed Awad Shahul Hameed+Sithy Kamila Anver

                          9  Khalid Awad

                          9  Ghazzali Awad


         7  Mohammed Muheeth Abdul Hameed + Muharram Hassen

                            8  Mohamed Azeem Hameed

                            8  Mohamed Ayub Hameed

                            8  Fathima Safra Hameed


         7  Ummu Shifa Abdul Hameed + Abdul Azeez

                            8  Fathima Shahreen Abdul Azeez

              8  Abdul Quadir alias Azmy Abdul Azeez


             6  Mohammed Fauz Muheeth 1920-1986

             6  Abdul Majeed Muheeth 1921-2006 + Noor Inaya Mohammed Salih

             6  Mohammed Cassim Muheeth 1924-2004 + Sithy Lafira

                 7  Fathima Shamila Muheeth

                 7  Mohammed Hilal Muheeth


                 5  Samsudeen Abdul Rahman

                 5  Ummuliyah Abdul Rahman

                 5  Muheeth Abdul Rahman

                 5  Zaneera Abdul Rahman


4  Aasiya Umma Shamsuddin + Abdul Azeez Cassim Lebbe Marikar

4  Cassim Hajiar Shamsuddin + Rahila


       Safiya Umma Casy Lebbe + Mohamed Mohideen ILM (Jemmi) (13)

4  Samsudeen Mohideen

4  Muheed Mohideen

4  Mohamed Gheyas Mohideen + Nafia Mahamood (d/o SL Mahamood)

4  Mohamed Ghouse Mohideen + Ummu Razeena Abdul Rahman (50)

  5  Mohamed Sharker Mohideen + Pathuma Hani Sithy Zanooba Shahul Hameed

    6  Mohamed Yousoof Mohideen + Yasmin Issadeen (50)

      7  Rinoza Mohideen

    6  Ayesha Mohideen + Rashid Abdul Rahman

     7  Razi Rahman

    7  Khadija Rahman

   6  Ismail Jiffrey Mohideen + Khartoon Marzook (div) (11)


4  Mohamed Zahir Mohideen + Ummu Safia Abdul Cader


4  Lahir Mohideen + Ummu Naima Haji Cassim

  5  Mohamed Mohideen

  5  Ummu Zohara + AKMH Suffian

   6  Sithy Fathima Suffian + HM Niyas Shafee

   6  Sithy Ayesha Suffian + NMM Nazim

   6  Sithy Khadijatul Shamsul Nihara Suffian + MM Anver

   6  Fassily Hussina Suffian


4  Abdul Hadi Mohideen + Ummu Hafeela Aboo Salih


4  Mohamed Idroos Mohideen + Himaya Marikar

  5  Kamil Mohideen + Hazeekathul Hilmiya Anver

   6  Ahamed Yusuf Mohideen

   6  Ayesha Nafia Mohideen

   6  Hanniya Mohideen*

   6  Hanna Mohideen* twins


4  Ummu Faleela Mohideen + Mohideen MLMM

  5  [197] Ummu Naima Mohideen + [198] MCM Ziard (80)

   6  [199] Mohamed Cassim Ziard + [202] Fathima Zafrun Anver (11)

   6  [200] Mohamed Suhail Ziard

   6  [201] Mohamed Faleel Ziard

  5  Mohamed Miftha Mohideen

  5  Ummu Rukiya Mohideen + LMA Rahman

   6  Safinaz Rahman

   6  Mohamed Ifthikhar Rahman

   6  Fathima Imthiaz Rahman

  5  Ummu Jamala Mohideen + MHM Yousoof (s/o SM Hussain)

   6  Mohideen Abdul Cader Yousoof + Sithy Adila Mukthar (19)

       7 Fahiya Abdul Cader (1966) + Yousry Marikar Bawa (1960) (61, 62. 108, 259)
           8 [219] Imaadh Marikar Bawa (1985) + [220] Amani Hassim (1989) 
 (304062, 90)
               9 Aneeqa Maryam Marikar Bawa (2016)

           8 Nihla Marikar Bawa

      7 Sameeha Abdul Cader (1971) + Hussain Ahamed Attorney-at-Law

          8 Naveedh Ahamed

          8 Ayesha Baasima Ahamed

          8 Fathima Aneesah Ahamed

    6 2nd Spouse of Mohideen Abdul Cader Yousoof + Name Not Known

  5  Mohamed Abdul Cader Mohideen

  5  Noorul Hafeera Mohideen + Mohamed Mohideen Saly (s/o NDHM Saly)

   6  Razana Badri Mohideen + Mohamed Hussain Razeen

   6  Mohamed Refai Mohideen

   6  Jiffry Mohideen + Thajun Nissa Nizar

                   6  Reza Mohideen + Shihama Sadoon

                        7  Mohamed Shahim Reyaz Mohideen

                        7  Abdur Raqeeb Mohideen

                        7  Abdur Rafih Mohideen

                        7  Mohamed Rehab Mohideen

5  Pathumuthu Zohara Mohideen

5  Mohamed Sultan Mohideen

5  Aynul Yakeena Mohideen + MM Thowfeek

  6  Mohamed Sa'adi Thowfeek

  6  Fathima Shahrazad Thowfeek

  6  Fathima Razia Thowfeek

5  Hidaya Mohideen + Shahabdeen Mohamed Ali

  6  Aslam Shahabdeen

5  Fakira Mohideen + MS Ahamed Hassan


4  Ummu Jameela Mohideen + Idroos Lebbe Marikar Aziez

5  Mohamed Ismail Aziez + Sithy Suwada Abdul Hameed

 6  Eyn-ul-Marliya Aziez + MIM Sakkaf

                        7  Rehana Sakkaf + Muneer Faizal Hassim (40)

                           8  Ejaaz Faizal

                      7  Shiraz Sakkaf

                      7  Rehana Sakkaf

                      7  Sharkiya Sakkaf

                      7  Nazar Sakkaf (deceased)
                      7  Ismeth Sakkaf                                   
                      7  Inaz Sakkaf
                      7  Azmi Sakkaf
                      7  Feroza Sakkaf
                      7  Nasreen Sakkaf
                      7  Ifthikhar Sakkaf (Canada)
                      7  Imthisha Sakkaf (UK)

 6  Mohamed Faiz Aziez + Lareefathul Jiffriya Farook

 6  Mohamed Hamdi Aziez

 6  Hamid Aziez

 6  Zubair Aziez + Zaharathul Mazahira Shariff

 6  Nazeema Aziez + Mohamed Farid Arifin

 6  Bafi Aziez + Therese

 6  Noor Fawzia Aziez + MSM Sirajee

 6  Zainul Aziez + Mohamed Jiffry Ghiyas

 6  Mohideen Aziez

5  Mohamed Faleel Aziez

5  Mohamed Idroos Aziez + MLM Noorul Huzaira

    6  Feisal Harees Aziez, b:10 Jan 1939 + Fathima Munira Hassim, b:11 Oct 1949, d:24 Dec 2002

        7  Mohamed Dilshad Mizzei Aziez, b:28 Jan 1971 + Fathima Firnas Hudah, b:20 Apr 1978

            8  Ibrahum Abdul Aziez, b:2 Sep 2003

            8  Hafsah Abdul Aziez, b:21 May 2005

            8  Yusuf Abdul Aziez, b:19 Nov 2006

            8  Khadijah Abdul Azziez, b:5 Oct 2011

        7  Sithy Fathhiya Noor Zareen, b:20 Sep 1974 + Muhiyadeen Amraz Zareen, b:3 Nov 1969

            8  Ahmed Hassan areen, b:1 Jul 1997

            8  Fathima Maryam areen, b:2 Apr 1999

            8  Zainab Zareen, b:28 May 2001

            8  Ismail Zareen, b:12 Aug 2007

            8  Abdullah Zareen, b:16 Apr 2009

 6  Muneer Aziez

 6  Jiffriyathul Jennya Aziez (1940) + Ahmed Hilm Macan-Markar (1926)  (97,98)

  7  Fakhri Jehangir Macan-Markar (1961)

  7  Fathima Faraha Macan-Markar (1962)

 6  Shah Jahan Aziez + Llaman Yousoof (10)

                     7  Ibrahim Sirri Azeez        

                     7  Shaheeda Azeez

 6  Shirzard T Aziez + Husniya Uvais (259)

     7  Husna Aziez + Name Not Known, m:July 2010, Colombo

                 6  Bayazid Aziez Nazmi Hussain (13)

                     7  daughter

                     7  son


5  Sithy Ayesha Aziez + MNM Thaha

 6  Sithy Mazahira Thaha + Arthur Guy

 6  Bishrul Alavi Thaha

 6  Ahamed Jiffry Thaha + Zeena Mohamed

 6  Sithy Faiza Thaha

 6  Hussain Farook Thaha

5  Mohamed Thowfeek Aziez


4  Ummu Juwaila Mohideen + SHM Sadoon

  5  Abdul Haddad Sadoon + Sithy Moosina Amirdeen

   6  Zinoonul Misriya Sadoon + MM Farook

   6  Zuwaila Shirdeen Sadoon + Jiffry Amirdeen

   6  Noorul Mazahina Sadoon

   6  Abdul Farhad Sadoon

 5  Mohamed Abdul Cader Sadoon + Mariathus Sameena (95)

  6  Ummu Zuwaila Sadoon + AA Gaffoor

  6  Unsun Nufoos Sadoon + Mohamed Noor Thaha Ahmed (10)

  6  Mohamed Yousoof Sadoon

  6  Ahmed Niyas Mohideen Sadoon

  6  Fathima Farahana Sadoon

  6  Khanzul Mackfi Sadoon

 5  Mohamed Idris Sadoon + Sithy Ayesha Mohideen

 5  Ummul Khair Sadoon + Mohamed Sheriff Aboobucker

  6  Ahmad Hallaj Aboobucker

  6  Mohamed Firoz Aboobucker

  6  Zuwaila Jean Aboobucker

  6  Mohamed Rizvan Aboobucker

 5  Aynul Marliya Sadoon + Mohamed Marleen (s/o ABI Mohamed)

  6  Zuveylul Arlen Marleen

 6  Fathima Rozana Marleen + Falih Ghouse

 6  Jiffry Shiraz Marleen

 6  Mohamed Hazary Marleen

 6  Mohamed Nihar Marleen

 6  Rafeeka Marleen + Shuhailee Shaideen

 6  Zuwaila Jean Marleen

 5  Sithy Lareefa Sadoon + Mohamed Hussain Sakkaf Cassim

 6  Hilmy Inaz Cassim

 6  Mohamed Nazilee Cassim

 6  Mohinudeen Jamshar Cassim

 6  Zuwaila Fakira Cassim + Abdul Rahman Mohamed Ameen (41)

  7  Fauzul Inaya Ameen

  7  Mohamed Lafir Ameen + Jezima Farhana Abdeen

 5  Mohamed Mohideen Sadoon + Marzooka Irfan


4  Ummu Hafeela Mohideen + SHM Maharoof

  5  Mohamed Hamza Maharoof + Sithy Saheela Mohideen

   6  Sithy Ghaneema Hamza + MSM Sulaiman

   6  Mohamed Hamza

   6  Ummu Faleela Hamza + Ramiz Hussain

   6  Shahul Hameed Hamza + Izzathul Zakiya Faleel

   6  Sithy Ayesha Hamza + MFM Lafir

   6  Pathuma Zareena Hamza

 5  Sithy Ayesha Maharoof

 5  Mohamed Sulaiman Maharoof

 5  Mohamed Hussain Maharoof


4  Abdul Hye Mohideen + Ummu Hafeela Aboo Salih

 5  Mohamed Navas Mohideen

 5  Noorun Nufoos Mohideen

 5  Iynul Inaya Mohideen + MJM Ziard

  6  Zumrathul Ayn Ziard

  6  Mohamed Zanhar Ziard

  6  Mohamed Zuhuri Ziard

  6  Mohamed Zaharan Ziard

  6  Mohamed Zakeer Ziard

  6  Fathima Zaneera Ziard


Bahauddin Cassim Lebbe Marikar( d:1910) + Ummu Honeya     

 4  Cassim MBM + Name Not Known (d/o Gusti Abdul Majeed) (238)

               5  Zainudeen MCM + Rahmath Razeena 

                   6  [136] Izzeth Zainudeen + [135] Sithy Rukiya MCH (10)

                          7  Ummu Razeena Zainudeen + Mohamed Zavahir Mohideen (10)

                               8  F Rihana Mohideen +  Hafaz Salih

                                   9  Mohamed Hafaz + Safa Inoon

                                      10  M Aadam Hafaz

                                      10  Amal Aara Hafaz

                                  9  Hafsa Salih + Shakir Aslam

                                      10  Mohamed Saad Shakir

                                      10  Mohamed Yunoos Shakir

                                      10  Aisha Shakir

                                  9  Mohamed Hamdan Haris + Ilma

                                      10  Mohamed Arham Hamdan

                                  9  Mohamed Shihab Salih

                              8  MI Azlaf Mohideen + F.Renoza Makeen

                                  9  Shabra Mohideen +  Ramzy Mansoor

                                      10  F Hayaa Maryam

                                  9  Shazra Mohideen

                                  9  MI Shahim Mohideen

                             8  Althaf Mohideen + Shaziya Rauf

                                 9  M Mufthaz Mohideen

                                 9  M Fadhil Mohideen

                                 9  F Safa Mohideen

                            8  Manaf Mohideen +  Fazmina

                                9  Abdullah Manaf + Fathima Zainab

                                    10  Fathima Aiysha

                                9  Umar Manaf

                                9  Usman Manaf

                           8  2nd spouse of Manaf Mohideen + Safiya

                                9  Khadeeja Manaf

                      7  [139] Mumtaz Shireen Zainudeen + Mohideen (div) (19)

                          8  Farzana Mohideen + Fazal Subian

                              9  Malik Fazal

                              9  Mubeen Fazal

                         8  Fareeha Mohideen + Saleem

                              9  Hasna Saleem

                              9  Yamin Saleem

                              9  Yousoof Saleem

                        8  Fawaz Mohideen + Sabrina

                             9  Aahid Fawaz

                             9  Aniq Fawaz

                   7  2nd spouse of [139] Mumtaz Shireen Zainudeen + Hilmy Mahmood

                   7  [140] Fathima Nazli Zainudeen 1948-2020 + [141] Bishrul Hafi Fuard (19)

                       8  Ithizam Fuard + Fathima Zahra

                       9  AbdulQadir Malik

                       9  Ahamed Khalid

                       9  Mohamed Yusuf

                       8  Zahira Ilfath Fuard + Rushdy Murad

                          9  Zeenath Shamra + Musthaq

                         10  Mohamed Umar

                         10  Mohamed Iman


                      8  Inthizar Fuard + Rashmiya Razik

                    9  Fathima Kadhijah Fuard

                    9  Fathima Jameela Fuard

                    9  Reyah Maryam Fuard

                    9  Rayyan Fuard

                    9  Rukayath Fuard

                     8  Fathima Ishrath Fuard + Fahim Mowjood

                    9  Akeela

                    9  Imra

                    9  Taneesha


                   7  [142] Fathima Fatheena Zainudeen + M Zubair Hassan

                  8  Faheema Zahan Hassen + Fazeel .M. Zaneek

                    9  A Ashfaaq  Zaneek

                    9  F Azfa Zaneek (1st twin)

                    9  F Azka Zaneek (2nd twin)

                 8  M Farzard Hassen + F. Imarah Ansar

                   9  F Aniqa Hassen

                   9  A Ayaan Hassen


                8  F Azrah Hassen+ Mahdi

                   9  Aala Mahdi

                   9  Aaqilah Mahdi



                 7  [144] Murad Zainudeen + Shakwanathul Bishriya (101)

                8  A Musadiq Zainudeen + F Fazruna Markar

                  9  S  Arhab Zainudeen

                  9  Z Zoha Zainudeen

                  9  Ahiyan Zainudeen

               8  F Faruna Zainudden + Mohamed Rifki (div)

                 9  Nafisa Rifki

                 9  Yaqub Rifki

            8  F Faruna Zainudden + Sajid Imtiyas Markar  
                 9  Fathima Mehreen Sajid

               8  M Muzarath Zainudeen + Fathima Sherihan

                  9  A Zarar Zainudeen

                  9  A Zayan Zainudeen


              7  [145] M Ghouse Zainudeen + Sithy Ayshathul Fariha Hussain

             8  M. Afzal Zainudeen + Ummu Nafisah Aslam

               9  F Sarah Zainudeen

               9  Hannah Iman Zainudeen


             8  Mohamed Hilal Zainudeen

             8  Aahmed Zafar Zainudeen


             7  [143] Rabiya Zainudeen + Zulfi Mahroof

                 8  Riznaz Mahroof + Rushan Ghouse

                 8  Izzeth Imran Mahroof + Safra


             7  [134] Fathima Farahana Zainudeen + [133] Fazal Mohinudeen Thahir (10)

             8  F Farah Mohinudeen + M. Intikhab Salih

              9  F Inarah Salih

              9  F Emanah Salih


           8  F Ruqaiya Mohinudeen + M. Shariz Nazeer

              9  F Aaliya Shariz

              9  M Aaqib Shariz


          8  M Thahir Ali Mohinudeen + Nadeesha Thahir

                    9  A Thamir Thahir

            7  [146] Ilthizam Zainudeen

           8  Uzman + Sumaiya

           8  Umar + Shazna

           8  Yaseer Ali


            7  [147] Fazmina Zainudeen + Muzammil
               8  Parveen Muzammil + Mustharie Zachroff Aziez (18,22,106)

               9  Amra Azeez

               9  Azmath Azeez

               8  Nihad Muzammil + Ilma Wahid

               9 Mikael

               9  Huda

               8  Ruzaik Muzammil + Nazra

               9  Athyab

               9  Thahmeed

            6  Cassim Zainudeen Markar + Suwada Naima Hameed

7  Shaharazade Markar + Shafeek Mackeen   

8  Mohamed Shabeer Mackeen         

                     8  Ahmed Shahim Mackeen

8  Fathima Shahina Mackeen + +Imroze Salih

                           9 Yehiya Salih

                           9 Shajida Salih

                           9 Ibrahim Salih

8  Shahidun Mehmood Mackeen           

                  7  Zainudeen Markar + Mahira Hussain

   8  Fathima Zafra Zainudeen

   8  Zakir Zainudeen

   8  Zamima Zainudeen

   8  Zaharan Zainudeen     

  7  Shamim Hazara (Zeeniya) Markar + Nizam Hassen

   8  Ikram Nizam + Nihla Fouz

        9  Imaan Ikram
        9  Hashir Ikram

   8  Hasheeba Nizam + Fairooz Hussain

        9  Fazra Fairooz + imraz
            10  Yazdhan Imraz
            10  Aleeza Imraz

                             9  Hashfa Fairooz + Ruwaiz Haaja

                             9  Fahida Fairooz

                             9  Hiraz Fairooz

   8  Shahadiya Nizam + Afham Farook

                              9  Ahmedh Shameem Afham

                           9  Yasir Afham

                           9  Saad Afham

   8  Shifara Nizam + Imran Iffam

                           9  Husna Imran

                           9  Abdullah Imran

                           9  Zainab Imran

  7  Imthiaz Markar + Ryhana Mohamed

   8  Sabeeba Markar

   8  Shameema Markar

   8  Sajjad Markar

   8  Sajid Imtiyas Markar + Farina Zainudeen
Nafisa Sajid
       9  Yaqub Sajid
       9  Fathima Mehreen Sajid

  7  Maqsood Markar + Thajunissa

   8  Noor Jenna Maqsood

   8  Nazneen Maqsood

   8  Shabeem Maqsood

   8  Aroos Maqsood

  7  Fazal Markar + Sadoona Fuard

   8  Fazni Fazal

   8  Fahd Fazal

   8  Fazrina Fazal

   8  Fazrid Fazal     

  7  Yasmin Markar + Mohamed Rizvan

   8  Ruzni Rizvan

   8  Fathima Rizmina Rizvan (d:24th Sep 2008) + Al Haj MFM Mathloob (s/o MIM Farook and Samsul Kareema of Aarihamam (Yagamwela))

    9  Hanah Mathloob

   8  Aadil Rizvan* (*twins)

   8  Azeem Rizvan* (*twins)           

6  Buzrook Zainudeen + Ummu Alaviya Mohideen (30)

  7  Mazzy Mohideen Zainudeen

6  *2nd Spouse of Burzook Zainudeen: + Jennathul Suada     

  7  Shaukat Zainudeen + Zaitoon Beebee

  7  Salih Zainudeen + Rifka

  7   *2nd Spouse of Salih Zainudeen: + Mazahima

  7  Rizvi Zainudeen + Suwaira

  7  Zainul Abdeen Zainudeen + Zareena      

  7  Firdouse Zainudeen d:May 2, 2024 + Shihara Faizal

  7  Zulfikhar Zainudeen           

  7  Ali Zainudeen         

  7  Zainudeen   

  7  Fathima Zohara Zainudeen          

6  Yousoof Zainudeen

6  Sithy Zainambu Zainudeen + Ameen (Kandy)

                    Rahmathul Razeena Ameen + Mohamed Moheed Abdul Basheer (129)

                        9  Ali Fayesz Moheed + Sehaam Mehdi Hussain

                           10 neeka Moheed           

                        9  Ameen Fahim Moheed + [8] Soosan Ghouse

                           10 [12]  Ibrahim Faadhil Moheed

                           10 [15]  Serina Moheed

                        9  Azeeza Hiyam Moheed + [9] Reza Abdul Samad

                           10   Tameez Samad

                           10   Arin Abdul Samad

                           10   Hana Aleisha Abdul Samad

                       9  Shameem Moheed + [10] Dr. Basel Bari

                           10   Aneesah Inam Abdul Bari

                           10   Amaan Abdul Bari

  7  Rafeek Ameen (died a bachelor)

  7  Ummu Hasina Ameen + Mohamed Gheyasdeen Mohideen (30)

   8  Muhamma Sabry Gheyasdeen

   8  Fathima Shamima Gheyasdeen

   8  Yasmin Shahan Gheyasdeen

   8  Ameen Shahjehan Gheyasdeen        

6  [79] Ummu Habeeba Zainudeen + [78] Mohamed Razeen MCH (10)

  7  [80] Niloofer Razeen + [81] Farook M.I.M.          

   8  [82] Fahima Farook + [190] Nazvi Hassan

    9  [191] Afraz Hassan

   9  [192] Fawaz Hassan

  8  [83] Sahila Farook + [189] Rizvi Abdullah

   9  [193] Rifaz Abdullah

   9  [194] Suhaim Abdullah

   9  [195] Imara Abdullah         

  8  [84] Mohamed Najil Farook + [187] Azmina Nazeer (30,40, 62,80,90)

   9  [209] Tariq Farook

   9  [210] Hasna Farook

  8  [85] Nihza Farook + [196] Rifki Khir

  8  [86] Shamila Farook + [87] Imran Fekrishta Saleem (40)

   9  [188] Noor Naleefa Mariam Saleem       

  8  [88] Shyam Farook

7  [89] Mohamed Sahill Razeen + [90] Ameena Bari     

  8  [91] Fathima Liya Sahill          

  8  [92] Razeena Hiyar Sahill       

7  [93] Pathumuthu Zuhry Razeen, d:June 2010 + [94] Mohamed Zubair Rasheed (b:1921, d:Jan 17 2011)  (10)

  8  [95] Fathima Roazna Rasheed + [96] Naleer

   9  [97] Rinza Naleer Naleer + Farzan ZainulAbdeen (38)

    10  Name Not Known

   9  [98] Hamza Naleer 

  8  [99] Fathima Zulaiha Rasheed + [100] Munzeer      

   9  [101] Fazmina Munzeer

   9  [102] Zulkifli Munzeer         

  8  [103] Mohamed Ejaz Rasheed + [104] Hamziyathul Himaya Razak      

   9  [105] Zainab Ejaz

   9  [106] Omar Ejaz

7  [107] Sithy Zemzem Razeen + [108] Mohamed Zahir

  8  [109] Mohamed Shameel Zahir

7  Mohamed Zainudeen Razeen + [111] Zeinub Hamdoon (div)           

  8  [112] Mohamed Aftab Zainudeen   

  8  [113] Mohamed Hisham Zainudeen           

7  *2nd spouse of Zainudeen Razeen:+[114] SailathUmma Rashard (div)           

7  *3rd spouse of Mohamed Zainudeen: + [115] Name not known

7  *4th spouse of Mohamed Zainudeen: + Zainab Abdullah (10)

7  [116] Mohamed Cassim Razeen          

6  Haleema Zainudeen + Ameen Mahmood (129)

7  Sithy Ameen + Isfahan Omar

  8  Haris Omar (1976)


                 5  MCM Zainudeen + Noorul Hidaya Mohideen (50)
                      6  Abdul Cader Zainudeen + Name Not Known
                      6  Siraj Zainudeen (80) + Lareefa Mohideen (12)

                       7  Shezmin Shiraz

                       7  Shiham Shiraz

                       7  Shazan Shiraz

                       7  Shammi Shiraz

4  2nd spouse of Cassim M.B.M. +  Ummu Hany A.L.M.      (90)

  5  Zacky MCM + Noor Neima        

   6  Cassim Zacky  

   6  Faji Zacky         

   6  Huzaima Zacky + Zahir MCM          

    7  Iqbal Zahir   

  6  Budry Zacky + Ismail   

  6  Khadija Zacky + Nazim MSM          

   7  Muzammil Nazim   

   7  Mizhar Nazim         

   7  Inam Nazim

   7  Shiraz Nazim

  6  Sithy Maziya Zacky + Abdul Rahman AJ

   7  Zohara Abdul Rahman

   7  Shireen Abdul Rahman     

   7  Fauzy Abdul Rahman        

   7  Imraan Abdul Rahman       

   7  Nazeema Abdul Rahman  

   7  Hameeda Abdul Rahman 

   7  Lareefa Abdul Rahman     

  6  Zulaikha Zacky 

  6  Iyn Zacky + Siddique AGM

  6  Kabeer Zacky   

  6  Nazir Zacky + Mugheetha       

   7  Shameema Nazir   

   7  Shamila Nazir         

  6  Azeez Zavky     

5  [198] Ziard MCM + [197] Ummu Naima Mohideen

  6  [199] Mohamed Cassim Ziard + [202] Fathima Zafrun Anver (11)

  6  [200] Suhail Ziard        

  6  [201] Mohamed Faleel Ziard           

 5  Sithy Zulaiha MCM + Sulaiman Marikar-Bawa (1882-1974) (62)

  6  Noor Rahmaniya Marikar-Bawa (1914-2002) + MCM Kaleel Dr Deshamanya (1899 -1994) [He was the third Ceylon Moor to qualify as a Doctor. He began his political career in 1942, by becoming Member of the State Council, ending immediately prior to independence. Subsequently, he was elected to the Colombo Central electorate in 1950 and served as Minister of Labour and Social Services. His second term began in 1960 when he was given the portfolio of Minister of Home Affairs and Rural Development. He was a founder member of All Ceylon Muslim League and functioned as its President for 45 years. He was a founder member of the UNP and later functioned as its President till his demise on 19th October 1994. Mudaliyar A.L. Sinnalebbe Member of Parliament for Madakalapuva in the Eastern Province moved in Parliament in January 1948, the following motion: "That this House is of the opinion that the Royal Standard of King Sri Wickrama Rajasinha depicting a yellow lion passant holding a sword in its right paw on a red background which was removed to England after the convention of 1815 should once again be adopted as the official flag of free Lanka".  Dr MCM Kaleel, the President of the All-Ceylon Muslim League expressed in no uncertain terms that the Muslims would be happy to retain the Lion Flag as the flag of independent Lanka His long and dedicated service to the nation and the party was recognized when President J.R. Jayawardena bestowed him the Deshamanya award. The Government of Sri Lanka issued a Stamp in honour of him on 18th October 2002.] ( 217218)

   7  Nawaz Kaleel Dr + Ummu Neuma Halimdeen (128) (Migrated to UK)      

   7  Fahmy Kaleel Dr + Ereefa Marzuk (Migrated to UK)(19,388)

    8  Mohamed Nawaz Kaleel      

    8  Mohamed Hejaz Kaleel

    8  Mohamed Hisham Kaleel

    8  Ayesha Sameeha Kaleel

    8  Faizul Hassen kaleel

   7  Sithy Huzaifa Kaleel + Muhsin MJM, CCS       

    8  Aynul Kareema Muhsin + Shumsul Hussain Moosin (183,186)

    8  Fathima Rehana Muhsin + Afgeralli  

                         8  Imtiaz Hussain Muhsin + Haseena Shafeek (46)

                             9  Fathima Muhsin 1984 + Mohamed Sa'ad Ghouse (20,30,60,70,90a,93)

             10 Asma Ghouse

             10 Luqman Ghouse
             10  Harun Ghouse

             10  Zainab Ghouse
             10  Dawud Ghouse
       9  Ayesha Muhsin 1985 + Mohamed Ali

       9  Abdullah Muhsin 1987

       9  Ibrahim Muhsin 1990
       9  Aaminah Muhsin 1995

       9  Ahmed Muhsin 1996
       9  Rukaiyah Muhsin, 2000

  8  Noor Zulaikha Muhsin + Abdul Rasool 

     9 Siraj Rasool              

   7  Fathima Hanoon Kaleel + Jouffer Sadiq M. H.      (108, 173, 175)

    8  Noor Shifa Ja'afer Sadiq + Munas Faseel  (173)

     9  Azhar Faseel Dr +  Nabila Sameer m:2010 (10, 13, 20, 30, 46, 60, 70, 93) (Migrated to Australia)

     9  Zahara Faseel

   8  Ayeshathul Hafsa Sadiq + Nishtar AMM    

     9  Shaharwan Nishtar + Sinnan Hafeel

     9  Sulaiman Nisthar

     9  Sakeena Nisthar + Altaf Jabir (1977)

     9  Dawood Nisthar

     9  Salman Nisthar

     9  Haleema Nisthar

  8  Omer Maqbul Sadiq Dr

  8  Fathima Sara Sadiq + Rizvi Salih Dr

  8  Mosadiq Ali Sadiq       

7  Sithy Niloufer Kaleel + Faiz Mansoor
     8  Nasreen Mansoor + ShahJehan Marikar-Bawa d:Apr 2023 (UK) (62)

          9  Laila Marikar-Bawa

  8  Mohamed Ikram Mansoor + Nazneen

  8  Sithy Fahima Mansoor + Rizwan

  8  Mohamed Reza Mansoor    

7  Ummu Zulaikha Kaleel + Munsir Meeran Dr (108,173,175)

  8  Mohamed Careem Meeran Dr 

  8  Marina Aida Meeran   

7  Aynul Kaleel  + Ashok Lal (India)

  8 Afthab Lal

7  Aslam Kaleel + Ayesha     

  8  Reza Kaleel      

  8  Shireen Kaleel 

7  Rizvi Suada Kaleel + Feizal M.R.M. Dr 

  8  Mohamed Rumi Feizal

  8  Mohamed Akram Feizal      

7 [204] Mohamed Shiraz Kaleel + [205] Fathima Dheena Zaheed   (30, 40, 62, 73, 90, 239) (Migrated to USA)

8 206] Sabry Shiraz + Zeenat Razvi (Pakistan)

9 Ismaeel Shiraz

8 [207] Adhil Shiraz + Lanni Megasari (Indonesia)

9 Maryam Adhil

9 Malik Adhil

8 [208] Shukri Shiraz + Amina Dos (Vietnam)

9 Ayub Shiraz

9 Ayesha Shiraz

9 Musa Shiraz (twin)

9 Eesa Shiraz (twin)

9 Dawood Shiraz (twin)

9 Safiya Shiraz (twin)

6 Noor Jameela Marikar Bawa (1917-1983) + Thaifoor Hassim (1910-1985) m: February 1932  (30, 40)

 7  Noor Nissa Hassim + Zubair Makeen M

  8  Shamim Makeen (1953) + Imka Hashim (1961) (13195214)

   9  Hazik Makeen (1989)

   9  Afeef Makeen (1995)  

 8  Ahmed Sajid Makeen + Ayesha

   9  Rashard Makeen

   9 Abdulla Makeen

   9 Ameer Makeen

7  Hussain Kemal Hassim  1935-1995 (decd in UK)

 - No Issue

7  Ismet Ghouse Hassim +  Sithy Nalifathul Faizath Hasheem (191)

 8  Arthifa Ziyana Ghouse + Isthihar
9 Hishma Isthihar

 8  Mohamed Afthab Ghouse    

7  Sithy Zohera Hassim + Saeed AMM    

 8 Shahzadi Saeed + Hilmy Zainudeen

  9  Hafiz Zainudeen Attorney-at-Law + Maryam

  9  Fadhil  Zainudeen

  9  Naheed Zainudeen

 8  Zakir Ali Saeed

 8  Farah Azka Saeed   + Nouzer Fowzy

  9 Akeela Fowzy

  9 Aneesa Fowzy

  9 Adhil Fowzy   

7 Azhara Hassim + Mohamed Hamza Zaheed Proctor (73239)               

8 [205] Fathima Dheena Zaheed + [204] Shiraz Kaleel (6290217218) (Migrated to USA)

9  [206] Sabry Shiraz + Zeenat Razvi (Pakistan)

10 Ismaeel Shiraz

9  [207] Adhil Shiraz + Lanni Megasari (Indonesia)

10 Maryam Adhil

10 Malik Adhil

9  [208] Shukri Shiraz + Amina Dos ((Vietnam)

10 Ayub Shiraz

10 Ayesha Shiraz

10 Musa Shiraz (twin)

10 Eesa Shiraz (twin)

10 Dawood Shiraz (twin)

10 Safiya Shiraz (twin

 8  Mohamed Imran Zaheed + Shiraza Rishard

  9  Ameena Zaheed

  9  Rushdi Zaheed

  9 Zaina Zaheed

 8  Ahmed Irfan Zaheed Barrister + Jamaliya Razeen Salih      (Migrated to Canada)

     9  Yasser Zaheed
     9  Razeen Zaheed

     9  Razeen Zaheed

8 Fathima Nasreen Zaheed + Yehiya Razzak

8 Fathima Narmin Zaheed + Rameez Raheem

9 Sulaiman Rameez Attorney-at-Law

9 Jameela Rameez

9 Rahma Rameez

8 Mohamed Ehsan Zaheed + Fathima Nizar (62)

9 Thalib Zaheed      

9 Abdulla Zaheed

8 Mohamed Farzan Zaheed Nuzra Fazil (137)

 8  Fathima Azkiya Zaheed Attorney at Law + Hisham Cader

  9 Amaan Cader

  9 Ayyad Cader

7 Thahira Hassim (1940-2020) + Fazi ARM (d:Jun-19-2000) (191)
    8 Mohamed Firaz Fazi + Nusrah Nijar

        9 Kadeeja Fazi
8 Mohamed Faariz Fazi + Fariza Mowlana
        9 Humaidh Fazi

        9 Raida Fazi

        9 Aaima Fazi

    8 Mohamed Faheem Fazi + Imaan
8 Fathima Nazneen Fazi + Arquil Haniffa
        9 Hammadh Haniffa 

        9 Raashid Haniffa

        9 Ammaar Haniffa
8 Mohamed Farzaad Fazi + Nelli Nirmalsooriya (Indonesia)
        9 Ashaaz Fazi

        9 Adyaan Fazi

7 Nazli Hassim + Rizwi Sadiq  
(30, 40)
    8 Fathima Saniya Sadiq + Nazmi Jabir

        9 Nazeeha Jabir Attorney-at-Law
8 Fathima Shihama Sadiq + Mohamed Husni Ghouse (10, 90, 111, 115)
        9 Mahdi Ghouse

        9 Mariam Ghouse

        9 Shukriya Ghouse

    8 Mumtaz Fazeena Sadiq + Rahmathullahuh Huzair (323)

        9 Areeb Huzair 

        9 Amaan Huzair        

7  Nazli Hassim + Rizwi Sadiq (30, 40)

 8  Fathima Saniya Sadiq + Nazmi Jabir

  9  Nazeeha Jabir Attorney at Law

 8  Fathima Shihama Sadiq + Mohamed Husni Ghouse (10, 90, 111, 115)

  9  Mahdi Ghouse

  9  Mariam Ghouse

  9 Shukriya Ghouse

 8  Mumtaz Fazeena Sadiq + Rahmathullahuh Huzair   (323)

  9  Areeb Huzair 

  9  Amaan Huzair        

7  Ummul Khyr Hassim + Hussain Nazeer (162)

 8  [187] Fathima Azmina Nazeer Dr + [84] Najil Farook (107690)

  9  [209] Tariq Farook

  9  [210] Hasna Farook          

 8  Mohamed Afzal Nazeer + Shezmin Afwan

  9 Sulaiman Nazeer

  9 Amina Nazeer

 8  Yasmin Aadila Nazeer + Reza Wadood

  9 Arshad Wadood

 8  Aasif Wahid Nazeer + Shameema Salie

  9 Izzath Sakeena

7  Munir Faizal Hassim + Rehana Sakkaf

 8  Ejaz Faizal

7  Mumtaz Hassim + Faizal M.A.M.  Proctor

 8  Yusuf Ahsan Faizal      

 8  Fathima Mubeena Faizal Attorney at Law + Imran Farook

  9 Idraak Farook

  9 Idrees Farook

7 Ifthikar Hassim Advocate (1946) + Sahiya Abdulla (1954)

8 Amriya Hassim Attorney-at-Law (1978) + Zakir Mihlar (1972)  (31137195214215380)

9 Adheeb Shareef Mihlar (2003)

9 Nafeesa Zainab Mihlar (2007)

8 Ashiq Hassim Attorney-at-Law

8 Ashna Hassim

8 [220] Amani Hassim (1989) + [219] Imaadh Marikar Bawa (1985) (13, 19616290108259)

9 Aneeqa Maryam Marikar Bawa (2016)

7 Sithy Zulaikha Hanoon Hassim + Zahir Marikkar s/o Ismail Marikkar Grama Aarachchi of Mawanella   

8 Fathima Mariam Marikkar        

8 Fathima Ilma Marikkar  

8 Fathima Naaila Marikkar + Tharib

9 Alina Tharib

8 Yusra Marikkar   

7 Shireen Hassim + Nasry A.M.A. (358)

8 Fathima Sarah Nasry + Rizmy Rishard

9 Lamaan Rishard

9 Liyaana Rishard

8 Fathima Laila Nasry Attorney-at-Law + Shazil Ismail (9798)

9 Inara Ismail

9 Raaya Ismail

                 7  Mohamed Ghouzul Faizeen Hassim + Fathima Moreena Salih (30, 4058170171)

 8  Mohamed Nabil Faizeen + Safra Bafiq (40), m:July 2016

6 Noorul Akram Marikar-Bawa + Shahabdeen MSM Proctor SC  

7 Mohamed Alaudeen Shahabdeen + Rifaya Yahiya     

 8 Fathima Sajida Shabdeen + Ahmad

  9 Daughter

 8 Ahmed Sajad Shabdeen

7 Sithy Alaviya Munawara Shahabdeen + Zahir Sufi-Ismail

8 Suhaila Sufi-Ismail + Azhar Hussain

9 Siham Hussain + Aslam Azad Dr (Migrated to USA)

10 Sabrina Azad

10 Aamir Azad

9 Shifa Hussain + Shakran Zuhair

10 Shariq Shakran Zuhair

8 Shanaz Sufi-Ismail + MSMYusuf

9 Fathima Sameeha Yusuf + Javid Wahab

10 Jalal Wahab

10 Jamaal Wahab

10 Jibran Wahab

10 Jibril Wahab

10 Sakeenah Jannah Wahab

9 Noor Shadiah Yusuf + Imzeth Faleel

10 Iyaadh Faleel

10 Fathima Sidrah Faleel

9 Mohamed Yameen Yusuf

9 Iqbal Yaseen Yusuf

8 Shigufa Sufi-Ismail + Hilmi Shaideen

9 Fathima Shazniah Shaideen + Ifthikar Saifudeen (Migrated to USA)

10 Ibrahim Ifthikar

10 Ruqayiah Ifthikar

10 Hamza Ifthikar

9 Fathima Shazreena Shaideen + Aashiq Aminudeen

10 Aathif Aashiq

10 Zayna Aashiq

8 Shihara Sufi-Ismail + M.M.M.Shuaib

9 Ahmed Salman Shuaib

9 Fathima Salama Shuaib

9 Sulaiman Shuaib

8 Shiraza Sufi-Ismail  +  M.D.M.Rizvi

9 Fathima Sumaiah Rizvi + Ashmath Azoor

9 Mohamed Rizwan Rizvi + Fathima Rimaza Jiffry

8 Shamila Sufi-Ismail + M. Asad Razak

9 Mohamed Azam Razak

9 Fathima Shameema Razak

8 Zahran Sufi-Ismail + Fathima Ishka

9 Zakir Sufi-Ismail

9 Zaid Sufi-Ismail

5 Zubaida Umma MCM + Cassim Marikar Bawa (62)

6 Razeen Marikar Bawa + Rauf

7 Ms Rauf + Name not known

8 Name not know + Mohamed Saud Marikar Bawa (61, 62, 108, 182)

6 Haleema Marikar Bawa + Zacky

5 Zackariya MCM


4  Shamsudeen M.B.M.


Noordeen Cassim Lebbe Marikar (1842-1917) + Ayesha Natchiar           


4  Abdul Hameed Noordeen + Fathima Umma

 5  Mohamed Yousoof Hameed     


 5  Mohamed Faleel Hameed        


 5  Ummu Ralina Hameed + Uvais Alim O.L.M.      

  6  Sithy Saleema Uvais


 5  [33] Ismail A.H.M. + [32] Noorul Moomina Mohideen (sister of ULMM Mohideen)

  6  [34] Fathima Haniya Ismail Dr +  Mohamed Saleem Salih

   7 Shairana Saleem + Faizel Salieh

    8 Sabieth Salieh + Rakeeba

    8 Husni Salieh + Mowhiba Mowlana

         9 Rayaan Mohamed

  7 Yusuf Saleem + Shahama Raji

    8 Imaan Saleem

    8 Aamir Saleem