Sri Lankan Muslim Genealogy

(spans across two web pages on account of the size of the tree, see link to page 2 at bottom of page)

Sultan Alauddin - Family 90 (of Koniya, Turkey - 800 AD)

Meera Lebbe Maestriar Sheikh Abdul Cader Marikar (Shekhadi Marikar) see Family #22

Meera Lebbe Maestriar Sekadie Marikar, known as the "Moorish Doctor", was a reputed physician who was appointed physician to the Cinnamon Peeler’s Guards (Chaliah Commanders) and the Moor Regiments which served under the Dutch at Colombo. He was appointed Native Superintendent of the Medical Department under the control of the Supreme Court by the British in 1806. He also was a signatory to the special laws concerning "Maurs" or Muhammadans (Muslims) dated August 1, 1806, prepared on the orders of Governor Lord North. He was appointed arbitrator and President of the Moorish Community in 1823 and died on February 25, 1840.

The portrait of Sekadie Marikar, prepared and presented by Sir Alexander Johnston, Chief Justice and President of His Majesty’s Council in Ceylon, to the Royal Asiatic Society Ceylon Branch on July 19, 1834, was passed on to the National Museum of Colombo by Dr Paul Peiris L.L.D. where it can be seen to date. (Ref No. C/448)

The ancestors of the "Moorish Doctor", Sekadie Marikar, is described as follows:-

"Prince Jamaldeen, son of Sultan Ala’uddin of Koniya, in Asia Minor (Eastern Turkey), settled down in Beruwela in 800 A.D. and practised medicine. This was during the reign of the Singhalese King Dapula III who established a medical college.

Dr Periya Mudaliyar Marikar (1016) was awarded Royal recognition (Sembu Pattam) by the Singhalese King in consequence of his having introduced from the opposite coast of India, the first weavers of cloth who were established in Ceylon".

The original ancestry of the present SALAGAMAWANSA community were:-

- Dr Minna Marikar Bastaamiar (1515), appointed Physician to the Portuguese Royal household,

- Dr Uduma Lebbe Maestriar Shekadi Marikar Maestriar (1640), Physician to the Dutch Government,

- Dr Bastaamiar Lebbe Marikar Meera Lebbe Maestriar, Physician to the Dutch Government transferred to Colombo on promotion as Physician in charge of the Chaliah Commanders,

- Dr Meera Lebbe Maestriar Shekadi Marikar, the celebrated, ‘Moorish Doctor’.

A reference to the family of the ‘Moorish Doctor’ is made in the "KULALEKA POTHA" of Maha Mudaliyar Abraham De Saram.

Sekadie Marikarwas the eldest son of Bastaamiar Lebbe Marikar Meera Lebbe Maestriyar, the original claimant of the Maradana Mosque land. Bastaamiar lebbe Marikar Maestriar was a reputed medical practitioner both under the Dutch and British governments. In 1744 he had acquired title, by long and undisputed possession, of the land on which the present Maradana Mosque is situated, for the benefit of the Muslim Community of Colombo. He also possessed a portion of land lying between the Maradana Police Station and Dematagoda junction in Colombo, which he used for acquiring medicinal herbs for his medical practice.

In the course of time, he erected a building on the land adjoining the present Maradana Police Station and lived there with his family. This premises eventually came into the possession of Shaka Marikar (Sheikh Abdul Cader Marikar), father of Ghouse and Mohideen (John Scot), who were his descendants.

On the land opposite to this site he built a Mosque, which, at the beginning, was used mainly by him and his family. Later on, other Muslims of the locality began to use the Mosuqe for prayer too. In the course of time, this Mosque waS extended and rebuilt by the Muslim community and stands until today as the Maradana Mosque. The "small mosque" in Symonds Road, Maradana, was built much later by a group of the congregation of the Colombo Grand Mosque.

Sir Alexander Johnston, in referring to the "Moorish Doctor" and his family, states as follows in his foot notes to his despatch to the Secretary of State dated February 3, 1827, as appearing in the Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Volume I, Page 537, as follows:-

"I have a copy, in my possession, of a very curious and very ancient grant in copper, made by one of the Cingalese Kings of Ceylon, about six or seven hundred years ago, to a great Muhammedan merchant who was then residing at Barbareen, and to his descendants for ever, of certain privileges and immunities in consequence of his having introduced from the opposite coast of India the first weavers of cloth who were established in Ceylon. By virtue of this grant, the lineal descendants of that merchant, now enjoy, under the British Government, a portion of the privileges which were granted to their ancestors by the ancient Cingalese governments of the country, and which were successfully confirmed to them by the Portuguese, Dutch and English Governments in Ceylon. The Chief of this family was appointed by me, in 1806, Native Superintendent of the Medical Department, under the control of the Supreme Court. He was considered by the natives of the country as one of the best informed of the native physicians in the Island, and possessed one of the best collections of native medical books, most of which had been in his family between seven and eight hundred years, during the whole of which period it has been customary for one member of his family, at least, to follow the medical profession. This same person made me a very detailed report of all the plants in Ceylon which have been used from time immemorial for medical purposes by Muhammadan native physicians in the Island. The cultivation and improvements of these plants, as well as of all other plants and vegetables in the Island, which might be used, either for, food or commercial purposes, was one of the great objects for which His Majesty’s Government, at my suggestion, in 1810, established a Royal Botanic Garden in Ceylon".

In referring to the wide knowledge in medicine and philosophy of the Moorish (Muslim) physicians of the time, Sir Alexander Johnston, in the same despatch comments as follows:-

"One of the principal Arabic works on Medicine which they introduced into Ceylon was the work of Avicenna; they also intriduced Arabic translations of Aristotle, Plato, Euclid, Galen and Ptolemy, extracts of which were frequently brought to me while I was in Ceylon by the Muhammadan priests and merchants who stated that the works themselves had originally been procured from Baghdad by their ancestors, and had remained for some hundred years in their respective families in Ceylon."

The lineal descendants of the "Moorish Doctor" are AC Abdul Cader and AC Jamaldeen who are his great grandsons. One of the descendants of the "Moorish Doctor" was SDM Burhan, Proctor SC, who served as the Secretary of the Management of the Maradana Mosque for about 35 years. A descendant who acquired eminence in the medical profession is Dr M Nafick Burhan, MBBS (Ceylon), FRCS (England), the first Ceylon Muslim to be admitted a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (England). Other descendants are, Mohideen Burhan, Proctor SC and Coroner, Avissawella, Marzook Burhan of the Police Department, founder member and 13th President of the All-Ceylon YMMA Conference and leader of the Ceylon delegation to the 3rd. General Assembly of the World Assembly of Youth held in New Delhi, India, in 1958.

Around the year 1800, the "Moorish Doctor" was in charge of the "Marakkala Palliya" (Mosque) and "Watte" (Grounds) of the Maradana Mosque. He blocked out the grounds for burial of the important members of the congregation. His own family block was numbered 41. On May 21, 1873, the Government ordered the closure of the burial grounds by proclamation. However, the descendants of the doctor continued to defy the order and buried their dead in the grounds. They were prosecuted and fined. Some of the members applied to the Government for permission to bury their dead therein and an ordinance was proposed and gazetted on Friday, June 16, 1882. However, since the Kuppiyawatte burial grounds was now being patronized by the Muslims the ordinance was dropped. Since then almost half of the burial grounds has been acquired by the Ceylon Government Railway on which now stands a Bo-tree. The grave of the "Moorish Doctor" which was situated under a Tamarind tree within the Mosque premises has since been levelled and a is now being used as a car park for the members of the congregation.

Attempts were made, on November 21, 1931, to bury the remains of Dr Bastaamiar Lebbe Abdul Careem, member, Board of Trustees of the Maradana Mosque, grandson of the doctor, according to his long cherished claim, and also the remains of SDM Burhan, Proctor SC, Secretary of the management of the Maradana Mosque for 34 years, another descendant of the doctor, on December 27, 1955, but were not successful.

Oduma Lebbe Marikar Sheikh Abdul Cader Marikar (Shekhadi Marikar) see family #22

During the closing stages of the Dutch regime in Ceylon, a leading Ceylon Moor family lived in that block of land where house premises Nos 263, 265, & 269 and the tenement garden No 263, on Dam Street, Hultsdorf, in Colombo 12, are today situated. Dam Street, as its name denotes, is reclaimed land from the swamps. The tenement garden is known as "Thannikarai Thottam" meaning "water shore garden". The descent of this family begins from the 16th line of Prince Jamaldeen, an Arab from Konya in Turkey, who arrived in Ceylon in 1016. This block of land belonged to, and was occupied by, Mahudoom Kandu Marikar, nicknamed "Mapulay" (bridegroom) for his handsome personality. His son was Oduma Lebbe Marikar (d:1800 and buried at the Maradana Mosque Grounds). He had two sons, Mohammed Haniffa Marikar, nicknamed "Kodipotta Marikar (Marikar whio flew the Flag), of whom little is known, and Sheikh Abdul cader Marikar, known as Shekadi Marikar, born during the last quarter of the 18th century.

Oduma Lebbe Marikar Sheikh Abdul Cader Marikar, popularly known as Shekhadi Marikar, was appointed a sectional head of the Moor Community, on June 16, 1818, by His Excellency Sir Robert Brownigg, Governor of Ceylon (Vide Appendix II(b)). In 1825, another Governor, Sir Edward Barnes, appointed him as a Notary Public for attesting deeds of Muslim females.

Shekhadi Marikarwas born in the year 1772 and died in 1847. His oldest son, Cassim Lebbe Marikar Mudaliyar, born on December 5, 1805, was appointed as Mudaliyar of the Governor’s Gate in 1867. His second son, Idroos Lebbe Marikar, served the Government as Shroff in several departments. He was also the Trustee of the Maradana Mosque. Following is a translation of the Arabic inscription, translated by Noordeen Abdul Careem, on the facade of the Mosque, which was put up by the Khateeb of the time, namely, Segu Mohiyadeen Sinna Meera Auduka Lebbe:-

"In the name of God, The One who purified the heart of the Founder of the Ka’aba. We lay the foundation of this house of God at Luhar time. In doing so we followed the Path of righteousness in the forenoon of the day, which is the sixth of Rajab, the month of respect and goodness. That is the day on which the Imam stood praising Him. All others stood there together invoking the blessings of the Prophet. The building was completed as the work of Moses was perfected on Ashura Day. On the Day of Hajj which was the Day of excellence and beauty, hich belonged to the sixt year along with 50 and 200 and 1000 (1256 Hijra), from the time of the departure, to Madinah, of the Prophet f the Hashemite Clan. Oh Lord! grant us victory and forgiveness and mercy. To those who glorified You in it prostrating. And we ask blessings upon him who recommended to build mosques. And he is your beloved creature and the best of those who prayed at Makkah. Month of Hajj, 10th Day, 1256 Hijra. (10 Dhul Hijjah 1256 H)"

Appendix II

(a) Whereas the Moor Seyed Nadie Nainde Marcier Lebbe NAINA MARCIAR was by us recently appointed joint Chief of the Moors of the town of Galle and is now the other Chief of this community in the commandments has appealed to us that he being the oldest in service shuld have preference over the other. We, therefore, in consideration, of the request made by him, the said present Chief deem it desirable to appoint his first Chief over the Galle community of Moors residing within the four gravets with authority t employ the Moor, Ismail Lebbe Maestri KADER as his Canne Kappel.

Wherefore one and to whom it may concern are commanded to regard respect come and obey, as it behoves them, him the said AGHAMDOE LEBBE SINNE LEBBE MARCIAR AS first Chief of the Moors. Colombo, 28th July, 1757.


(b) By His Excellency ieutenant General, Sir Edward Barnes, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath Governer and Commander-In-Chief in and over the British settlements and territories in the island of Ceylon with the dependencies thereof.

Whereas we have the greatest confidence in the eminent qualities, zeal, fidelity and ability of Oduma Lebbe Marciar Sekadi Marciar, we do hereby appoint him Headmoorman, of Colombo and Salpity Corale during our Will and Pleasure.

And we do further by these presents confirm to the said Oduma Lebbe Marciar Sekadi Marciar all such privileges, rights, Honours and Precedence enjoyed by His Predecessors in the office of Headmoorman of Colombo and Salpity Corale as these have not been abrogated or altered by Law.

All persons whom it may concern are hereby ordered and directed to acknowledge, respect and obey the said Oduma Lebbe Marciar Sekadi Marciar as Headmoorman of Colombo and Salpity Corale.

Wherefore we have granted him these Presents whereunto we have affixed the Seal of Our Arms Given at Colombo, the 22nd. May, 1824.

By Order of His Excellency the Governor

GO Seymour.

Family of Cassim Lebbe Marikar (Casie Lebbe Marikar Mudaliyar)

Cassim Lebbe Marikar, born on December 5, 1805, was the eldest son of Othman Lebbe Marikar Shekadi Marikar. By his first marriage, with the daughter of Ossen Lebbe in the Cappodiar family, he had two children who died in infancy. After the death of his spouse, he married Mohiyadeen Candu Natchiya alias Mathunga Natchiya, daughter of Sultan Candu Yousoof Lebbe of Colombo, on May 28, 1842. She died on May 26, 1900 at No. 263 Dam Street, Colombo. Cassim Lebbe Marikar had four daughters and four sons as follows:-

1. Hafsa Umma (daughter) born: June 1, 1843 in Trincomalee. Married C.L.Samsudeen.

2. Muhammad Yousoof (son) born: December 17, 1844 in Trincomalee. Muhammad Yousoof, by first marriage, had a son, Abdul Cader (unmarried) and a daughter, Rahma, who had two sons and two daughters. After the death of his spouse, Muhammad Yousoof married again in Kandy, the sister of Muhammad Cassim alias Siddi Lebbe, the Moor Leader, but had no children from this union. He worked in the Colombo Municipality as an Executive Officer in the Secretariat. He died in Kandy in 1917.

3. Saffra Umma (daughter) ("Palathu Mami") born: May 8, 1847 in Trincomalee. Married Ahmed Lebbe Marikar ("Dappy" family) and had three sons, Abdul Latheef, Abdul Cader & Abdul Hamid and four daughters, Ayesha Umma (mother of M.Y.Hashim Jiffry), Maryam Beebee, Maimoona and Fathima Umma of Colombo.

4. Haniffa Umma (daughter) born: September 18, 1848 in Trincomalee. Married Cader Sahib Sinne Lebbe Marikar. had two sons, Abdul Hadi married to Thuwaiba Umma & Muhammad Cassim (father of Mrs. Ayne Muhammad and brother-in-law of M.Mahroof of the Ceylon Diplomatic Corps). Sinne Lebbe Marikar married once again and his children of this union are Muhammad Saleem (Papulka) and Ummu Ayman (mother of Dr M.H.M.Ilyas and brother).

5. Ayesha alias Moomina Umma (daughter) born: November 5, 1850 in Colombo. Married Cader Sahib Aliya Marikar Alim Hajiar (Trustee, Maradana Mosque). The children are Muhammad Rasheed and Muhammad Thahir, both died unmarried, Leila (also died unmarried), and Ameena who married ABLIL Marikar (first Ceylonese English bookseller) whose children are AIL Marikar, Sithy Ayesha, Muhammad Aly, Muhammad Nilam and Muhammad Fulail. Ayesha died on May 29, 1924.

6. Abdul Majeed (son) born: September 26, 1853 at Trincomalee. Married Jainambu Natchia and had a son, Muhammad Cassim (father of M.C.M.Sheriff and Suleiman) and a daughter, Khadija Umma (mother of ALM Rally). He also married Ummu Hany ("Nawtha"). She had three daughters and five sons, one of whom was Abdul Ahad. Abdul Majeed served as a Shroff in the Kachcheri and later was in the clerical service in the Colombo and provincial Kachcheris. He died in Colombo.

7. Abdul Gaffoor (son) born: May 10, 1860. Married Ayesha Umma, daughter of Muhammad Lebbe Marikar. His sons were Mahmood and Shameem and daughters were Thuwaiba Umma (see 4 above) and Negiba Umma (mother of ALM Nasir). He served in the clerical service of the Customs Department and died on August 30, 1940.

8. Abdul Cader alias Abdul Jabbar (son) born: February 24, 1863. Married Cappodiyar Ahmed Lebbe Marikar’s daughter, Ayesha Umma. Children are Muhammad Woleed (Trustee, Maradana Mosque), Nasseer Abdul Rahman, Sithy Rowha and Abul Hassan. He was also the Trustee of the Maradana Mosque and Manager of the Hameedia School. He worked in the Drafts Department of the Chartered Bank and died on June 19, 1902.

Like his father, Cassim Lebbe Marikar Mudaliyar, was a devoted servant of the public and a devout Muslim interested in religious activities. It was through the inducement of his eldest son, Muhammad Yousoof, that Muhammad Cassim (proctor) alias Siddi Lebbe, Yousoof’s brother-in-law, was spurred on to to take up the cause of Muslim education and their general progress.

He was attached to his father at Trincomalee and made his mark so well that he was appointed as Chief Mudaliyar of the Eastern province by Sir Robert Wilmot Horton on October 23, 1834.

On his transfer, on promotion, he was appointed Mudaliyar of the Government Agent’s Department (Western province), Colombo, by Sir Henry George Ward on June 18, 1855. All Muhandirams, Arachies, Kanganies, lascoreens and others connected therewith came under his purview by this appointment. (original letters of appointment are available with Mr AJM Woleed). He was also the Shroff at the Colombo Kachcheri in 1855 and was appointed Shroff of the Pearl Fishery on March 3, 1858.

On representations made by Moor representatives of Colombo, a General Meeting was held at the Maradana Mosque, and on their recommendations he was appointed Head Moorman of Colombo on december 25, 1859. He was then appointed Cashier of the General Treasury and Mudaliyar of the gate by His Excellency Sir Hercules George Robert Robinson, on July 3, 1867. (letter of appointment available with AJM Woleed).

After a full life of fruitful activity, he died and was buried on Friday, August 16, 1877, before Jumma, at the Maradana Mosque grounds.

It was said that the Moors during that period used to whisper between themselves on the undesirability of him wearing trousers and tunic coat with a turban on his head, an attire looked down upon as alien to Muslims, at that time.

Family of Idroos Lebbe Marikar Abdul Azeez (ILM Abdul Azeez) 1867-1915 

Born:27-Oct-1867. Secondary education at Government Boys’ School, Pettah, Colombo 11, El Jamiathul Islamiyyah, 1888. Assistant Manager Zahira College, Maradana. President, Moors’ Association. Trustee Maradana Mosque 1903. Editor, Muslim Guardian, 1900. Commence newspaper Al-Muslim in 1907. Organized many meetings to fight the Fez question in 1905 where, finaly, Muslims were allowed to wear their headgear inside court. Secretary, Fez Committee. Died:29-Apr-1990

Idroos Lebbe Marikar Abdul Azeez, grandson of Oduma Lebbe Marikar Sekadi Marikar, came from a very distinguished family of Moors in Colombo. He was a sectional Chief Head of the Moors. His father was Idroos Lebbe Marikar, a shroff in the goverment departments. In view of the confidence he received, the Government vested the Muhammadan burial grounds at Kuppiyawatte to I.L.M. Abdul Azeez, appointing him as one of the three Trustees in 1879.

Abdul Azeezwas born on October 27, 1867. He studied Quran and Tamil under his father. He received his English education at the Pettah Boys Government English School. He gathered a good understanding of religion and also mastered the Tamil language. he also read many English authors. In 1888, he was elected Secretary of the Al-Jamiathul Islamia Society. Among the many good works done by this society was the taking over of dead bodies of Muslims from hospitals for proper burial.

In 1889 Abdul Azeez assumed the editor-ship of the "Muslim Friend", started by Proctor MC Siddi Lebbe. In 1892 Abdul Azeez gave his wholehearted support to the educational movement started by Siddi Lebbe and fnanced by Arasi Marikar Wapchi Marikar. This movement formed the Colombo Muslim Educational Society and founded Zahira College. He was the Secretary of the society. The great assiatnce rendered by Abdul Azeez was borne out by the testimony of Wapchi Marikar, Manager Zahira College, in the following statement: "My heartfelt thanks are due to the Committee who have bravely assisted me I the work, especially to Mr ILM Abdul Azeez, for his valuable advice".

Another Muslim lawyer, Mr. A.C. Muhammado, referred to Abdul Azeez, at a prize giving ceremony at Zahira College, as the "fulcrum" of this institution.

In 1900, the Moors formed an organization called the Moor’s Union and elected Abdul Azeez as its first President. Abdul Azeez sent telegrams of condolences at the death of Her Majesty Queen Victoria and His Majesty King Edward VII. He also read addresses to the Turkish Consul, Atha-Ulla Bey, while passing through Colombo, on his visit to Singapore. He presented an address to the first Muslim advocate, Mr Abdul Cader. He passed a resolution of thanks to the Governor, Sir West Ridgeway, for nominating Mr WM Abdul Rahman as a Muhammadan member of the Legislative Council. At the Moor’s Union Hall, he delivered a lecture on the Muslim aspect of future life.

In 1898 Abdul Azeez published an Arabic Tamil journal titled "Assawab". In 1901 he started a Tamil newspaper, titled, "Muslim Guardian". Later it was converted into a Tamil and English magazine. Through this magazine he urged the Government to enact laws for the compulsory legislation of Muslim marriages. he ably defende Islam against criticism by Sir Hugh Clifford, Colonial Secretary, published in the pages of the magazine. In 1907 he published an Anglo-Tamil paper caled "Al Muslim". His contribution to the local newspapers on the racial representations in the Legislative Council and on Muhammadan education were highly commended by the public.

When Mr. Abdul Cader, the first Muslim Advocate, was prevented from appearing with his Fez Cap on, before the judges of the Supreme Court, a deputation of Muslims including Abdul Azeez called on the Chief Justice, Sir CP Layard, at his residence, and laid their grievance. having failed to obtain redress, the Muslims held a Mass Meeting at Maradana Mosque grounds on December 31, 1905. Abdul Azeez moved a resolution appealing to His majesty for relief.

Tamil speaking people were represented in the Legislative Council by a Tamil Member. About the year 1880, the Muslims, the majority of whom were Moors, clamoured for representation in the Legislative Council by a Muhammadan member. Mr Ponnambalam Ramanathan opposed this suggestion of the Moors saying that the Moors were Tamil speaking people and Tamil converts to Islam. Abdul Azeez carried on the campaign of the Moors, led by Siddi Lebbe, seeking Muslim representation in the Legislative Council. Mr Ramanathan, opposing this request, read a paper at the Royal Asiatic Society Meeting on the subject of "Ethnology of the Moors of Ceylon" ad attempted to prove his theory that the Moors were of Tamil origin. Abdul Azeez, under the auspices of the Moor’s Union, published a book titled, "A criticism of Mr. Ramanathan’s Ethnology of the ceylon Moors" proving that the Moors were a separate race descended from Arab travellers who settled in Ceylon. This book has been reprinted by the Moor’s Islamic Cultural Home.

In 1903 Abdul Azeez was elected Managing Trustee of the Maradana Mosque for five years. At the end of this term he was elected for a further five years and this was opposed by a section of the congregation thus leading to litigation. The Privy Council approved his re-election. He also presided at the dinner given to Muhammad Macan Markar Effendi who was appointed Honorary Turkish Consul. Abdul Azeez also wrote an account of the "birth, customs and puberty ceremony" of the Moors for the census Report of 1911.

When the period of WM Abdul Rahman’s membership in the Legislative Council was ending, in 1905, the Muslims petitioned the Government to nominate Abdul Azeez. However, this was not accepted and Abdul Rahman;s period was extended for a further five years.

Abdul Azeezdrafted an amendment to the Muhammadan Marriage Registration Ordinance in 1906. he also suggested reforms in the Purdah system retaining the Islamic Laws but permitting the womanhood of Islam to advance socially, intellectually and spiritually in like manner as the females of the glorious days of Islam. he sopought reforms in the matter of acquiring religious knowledge. He suggested translations and explanations ofreligious literature. The Baptist Young Men’s Society gave him an opportunity to deliver a lecture on Islam in their hall.

In 1912 Abdul Azeez travelled to Jaffna where, after the Jumma Prayers, he presenetd a lecture on Hadis and urged the Imams to deliver their Khutbas I Tamil so they may be understood by the congregation. Abdul Azeez also delivered a lecture on the conflict between the cross and the crescent and this was published in book form.

His only son is Muhammad Rashard Abdul Azeez of Sagara Road, Colombo 4. His grandsons are Dr Nafick Burhan and Muhammad Marzook Burhan, who take a great interest in the affairs of the Muslim Community.

ILM Abdul Azeez died on September 11, 1915. May Allah bless his soul.

First Sri Lankan Moor Lady on Supreme Court Bench

Reference the news item in the Daily News of December 22, 2003, I wish to bring the following information to the general public on the appointment of Her Lordship Justice Shirani Tilakawardena, to the Supreme Court Bench.

Her Lordship is the granddaughter of late Suhaib Durai Mohamed Burhan Proctor SC and NP who was practising at the Maligakanda Magistrate Court, Colombo, was also the Secretary of the Maradana Mosque (Inc: Colombo for many years and she is the niece of late M. Mohideen Burhan, Proctor S.C.N.P. Avissawella Court and niece of late M. Marzook Burhan retired government servant, founder member of the All Ceylon YMMA conference, National Council of YMMA, Maligawatte, Sir Razik Fareed Foundation, Moors Islamic Cultural Home, All Moors Association and various other organisations and also a gold winner of the YMCA oratorical contest.

Her Lordship is the daughter of Dr M Nafih Burhan, FRCS Surgeon attached to the General Hospital and various other hospitals retired.

Her Lordship Justice Shirani Tilakawardena is the first female Attorney-at-Law to join the Attorney General's Department since then she is the first Sri Lankan Moor to rise to the High Court, Appeal Court, the President of Court of Appeal before being appointed to the Supreme Court by the President.

Although she is married to a non Muslim. She is the granddaughter of Sri Lankan Moor family of Colombo.

Al Haj OM Ariff - 
Colombo 9. - Daily News Fri Feb 20 2004

0  The Royal House of Sultan Alauddin of Konya, Turkey  circa 800 AD

1  Prince Jamaluddin 1016, arrived in Barberyn (Beruwela) during the reign of King Dapula III who established a medical college in Ceylon

2  Dr Periya Mudaliyar Marikar

3  Segu Ahamadu

4  Segu Abdul Qadir

5  Segu Ibrahim

6  Segu Ahamadu

7  Mamunna Marikar

8  Kappa Udayar

9  Periya Thamby

10  Hajji Naina Kanakkupullai

11  Kakka Deevu Kappodear

12  Beem Aanda Naindu

13  Mathicham Naina

14  Kappa Udayar

15  Uduma Nainthu

16  Nadivu Nainthu

17  Kappa Udayar

18  Uduman Lebbe

18  Bawathu Marikkar

19  Kappa Udayar

20  Idroos Lebbe Marikar

21  Meera Lebbe

21  Shamsu Lebbe

20  Meera Lebbe Marikar

21  Uduma Lebbe Marikar

21  (Name not known)

20  Kifayathullah

19  Uduma Nainthu

20  Sekka Lebbe

21  Uduma Naindu

21  Shinru Lebbe

21  Meera Lebbe

21  (Name not known)

21  (Name not known)

21  (Name not known)

19  Yehiya Udayar

20  Minna Marikar

20  Sekadi Marikar

18  Mamunna Marikkar

18  Ahmed Lebbe

18  Periya Thamby

17  Sheikady Marikar

18  Uduma Lebbe

18  Meera Kandu

18  Segu Lebbe

18  Muhammad Lebbe

18  Uduma Naintha

18  Kasi Lebbe

18  Ahamed Lebbe

18  Uduma Nainthu

19  Mamunna Marikkar

18  Dr Minna Marikar Bastamiar (1515), physician to the Royal household & government annals

19  Dr Uduma Lebbe Maestriar Shekadi Marikar Maestriar (appointed Government Physician by the Dutch in 1640)

20  (Name not known)

20  (Name not known)

19  Kunji Nainthu

20  (Name not known)

20  (Name not known)

19  Dr Bastamiar Lebbe Marikar Maestriar Meera Lebbe Maestriar The original claimant of the Maradana Mosque land. Bastaamiar lebbe Marikar Maestriar was a reputed medical practitioner both under the Dutch and British governments. In 1744 he had acquired title, by long and undisputed possession, of the land on which the present Maradana Mosque is situated, for the benefit of the Muslim Community of Colombo. He also possessed a portion of land lying between the Maradana Police Station and Dematagoda junction in Colombo, which he used for acquiring medicinal herbs for his medical practice. Physician in-charge of the jail at Kalutara appouinted by the Dutch in 1760. Promoted as physician in-charge of the Chaliah Commanders and Prisoners incarcerated in Colombo Feb 1764. Established a dispensary for the residents of Maradana and opened a herb garden at Kahatagahawatte in Maradana. Appointed by His Excellency Lord North as physician to the palanquin bearers. Confirmed in the post of physician by Sir Thomas Maitland, Governor of Ceylon (oblit Sep 11 1817)

20  Ismail Lebbe

20  Minna Marikkar

20  Meera Lebbe Marikar Shekhadi Marikar (d:1840) - "Moorish Doctor"

21  Oduma Lebbe Marikar (d:1800)***

20  Bastami Lebbe

19  Muhammad Lebbe

20  Kasi Lebbe Marikar

20  Muhammad Lebbe


0 *** progeny of 21 Oduma Lebbe Marikar (d:1800)


1  Dr Sheikh Abdul Cader Marikar alias Shaikady Marikar OLM, (b:1772, d:14/6/1847) – (Head Moorman: 16/6/1818, Re-appointed: 1824, Notary Public: 1825, Arbitrator EP: 1820)  – (Head Moorman: 16/6/1818, Re-appointed: 1824, Notary Public: 1825, Arbitrator EP: 1820,) see family #22 

2  Bastamiar Lebbe Marikar Meera Lebbe Marikar, Dr

3 Shaikady Marikar MLM (d: 25/2/1840) + Mohideen Natchia (Native Superintendent of Medical Department: 1806, Arbitrator: 1823, President of Moor Community: 1834, Portrait at Royal Asiatic Society: 1834)

 4  Ahmadu Natchiyar Marikar

 4  Muhiyadeen Natchiyar Marikar

 4  Mahmooda Umma Marikar

 4  Jameelath Umma Marikar

 4  Pathuma Natchiyar Marikar

 4  Haleema Umma Marikar

 4  Ummu Hani Umma Marikar

 4  Safooha Umma Marikar

 4  Sheikh Abdul Cader Marikar

  5  Muhammad Shariff SACM

  5  Muhammad Shaheed SACM

  5  Muhammad Ansari SACM


4  Sheikh Abdul Careem

5  Aseena Umma SAC

5  Sheikh Abdul Cader SAC

5  Muhammad Jamaludeen SAC


4  Sheikh Yousoof Maestriar

5  Muthu Kandu SYM

5  Mukhlikha Umma SYM

5  Ameena Umma SYM

5  Sheikh Alauddin SYM


4  Beebee Sulaiha aka Sella Umma

5  [52] Haniffa Umma + [51] Samsu Lebbe Sahib Doray

6  [30] Sahib Doray Muhammad Burhan, Proctor (d:27/12/1955) + [4] Sithy Saleema binthi Haji Ismail Effendi (20,46)

7  [5] Mohideen Burhan

6  *2nd spouse of [30] Sahib Doray Muhammad Burhan, Proctor + [49] Ummu Haney Abdul Azeez (90a)

7  [31] Marzook Burhan + [48] Binthy Huzaima Jabir

8  [32] Khyrul Hani Burhan + [47] Ashroff A.C.M.

8  [33] Sithy Hajara Burhan

8  [34] Fathima Yasmin Burhan

7  [35] Asharafa Burhan + [46] Yusoof MSM

8  [36] Fathila Yusoof + [45] Saad Burhan

8  [37] Hussain Yusoof

8  [38] Burhan Yusoof

7  [39] Ummu Saleema Burhan + [44] Samsudeen Kemal Ismail

8  [40] Flayal Ismail

7  [41] Nafick Burhan Dr + [43] Ms Jayatilleke

8  [42] Justice Shirani Burhan, Supreme Court + Tilakawardena
8  [53] Dr Indrani Burhan + Amerasinghe
8  [54] Mohan Burhan


4  Bastamiar Lebbe Maestriar

 5  Bastamiar Lebbe Abdul Careem (d: 21/11/1931)

  6  Abdul Careem Jamaldeen + Ummu Jameela Noordeen (60,70,30)

   7  Muhammad Sideek Jamaldeen + Zaharun Nissa

    8  Zuhdi Sideek

    8  Rizni Sideek

    8  Shihan Sideek

  7  Muhammad Haniffa Jamaldeen + Sadoona

    8  Muzni Haniffa

    8  Riyaza Haniffa

  7  Sithy Ameena Jamaldeen + Sulaiman MSM

    8  Rushdi Sulaiman

    8  Farhan Sulaiman + Sameeha Cader (77)

                               9  Ahamed Hamdan Sulaiman + Mariyam Masharique

                               9  Noor Habeeba Sulaiman + Sajjad Kais

                               9  Ahamed Humaidh Sulaiman, d:Aug 2018

                               9  Fathima Humairah Sulaiman

  7  Noor Azima Jamaldeen + Razik M

    8  Rifa Razik

  6   Abdul Careem Abdul Cader + Fathila

  7  Mohamed  Sally Abdul Cader + Mohamed  Saliah  Noor  Zaithoon

    8   Mohamed Sally Ameer Mohideen + Sithie Marina  Mohideen

     9   Mohamed  Rafi  Jiffrey

    8   Mohamed Sally Zeeniya  Nuzuha

    8   Mohamed Sally Jasmin Munthiya + Mohamed Bashir Ummail

     9   Fathima Maryiam Bashir

   8  Mohamed Sally Mohamed Lazim + Fathima Zulfika  Farook

    9  Fathima  Nazeeha  Lazim

   8  Mohamed Sally  Farah + Harris Zain Sheriff

    9  Tuan  Ahamed  Zain Sheriff

    9  Fahad  Harris  Sheriff

    9  Sultan  Harris  Sheriff

   7  Abdul Cader Mohamed Sadoon  + Asma Jameel (309)

    8  Fathima Kareema + Zain Marikkar Bawa (62)

    9  Mohamed Sulaiman Bawa

    9  Fathima Balkis

   8  Geenathul Munawwara

   8  Iynul Marliya

   8  Mohamed Isan

   8  Mohamed Mihilar + Murshida

    9  Mohamed Mafaaz

    9  Abdul Careem

    9  Abdul Razak

    9  Fathima Mashooka

   8  Sithy Hinaya

                  7  Abdul Cader  Mohamed Buhari Haniffa,( d:Mon Dec 4 2006) + Zareena

obit: ABDUL CADER MOHOMED BUHARI HANIFFA - Son of late Mr and Mrs ACA Cader Bastamiar, beloved husband of late Mrs. Zareena Haniffa, loving father of Fathima Zulaiha, Hibishi Sally, Nihara and Shehana, father-in-law of Sithy Ramalani, grandfather of Usman and Zareena. Janaza will take place at Maligawatte Muslim Burial Grounds on Tuesday 5th at 7 a.m. No. 930, 1st Lane, Zone 3, Millennium City, Athurugiriya. DM ; Dec 5 2006


  8  Fathima Zulaiha Haniffa

  8  Hibishi Sally Haniffa

  8  Nihara Haniffa

  8  Shehana Haniffa

7  Abdul Cader Sithy Sigedy + (Name not Known)

  8  Zuhaira

  8  Hinaya

7  Abdul Cader Umm Binthi Hazeena, b:17 Aug 1935  + Hilaldeen Abul Hassen, b:25 Jun 1923

 8  Mazar Hassen

 8  Azar Hassen

 8  Fazar Hassen

 8  Fathima Zuheriya Hassen, b:27 Mar 1967 + Mohamed Anver, b: 1 Jan 1952, m:7 May 1994

     9  Ameena Fathima Anver

     9  Nooranee Fathima Anver

     9  Raheema Fathima Anver

7  Abdul Cader Fawzy + (Name not known)

8  Firnaas


3  Minna Marikar Maestriar

4  Muhammad Burhan Marikar

5  Samsu Lebbe Marikar Muhammad Burhan

6  [51] Samsu Lebbe Sahib Doray + [52] Haniffa Umma

7  [30] Sahib Doray Muhammad Burhan + [4] Sithy Saleema binthi Haji Ismail Effendi (20,46,93)

8  [5] Mohideen Burhan

7  *2nd spouse of [30] Sahib Doray Muhammad Burhan.: + [49] Ummu Haney Abdul Azeez (90a)

8  [31] Marzook Burhan + [48] Binthy Huzaima Jabir

 9  [32] Khyrul Hani Burhan + [47] Ashroff ACM

 9  [33] Sithy Hajara Burhan

 9  [34] Fathima Yasmin Burhan

8  [35] Asharafa Burhan + [46] Yusoof MSM

 9  [36] Fathila Yusoof + [45] Saad Burhan

 9  [37] Hussain Yusoof

 9  [38] Burhan Yusoof

8  [39] Ummu Saleema Burhan + [44] Samsudeen Kemal Ismail

 9  [40] Flayal Ismail

8  [41] Nafick Burhan Dr (FRCS). + [43] Ms Jayatilleke

 9  [42] Justice Shirani Burhan, Supreme Court + Tilakawardena
 9  [53] Dr Indrani Burhan + Amerasinghe
 9  [54] Mohan Burhan


Othman alias Uduma Lebbe Marikar 

Sulaiman Lebbe

4  Sheriff SL

4  Anumma SL

4  Sinna Lebbe Marikar SL

 5  Muhammad Nazeer SLM


Muhiyadeen Natchiya SL

(Name not known) 

Kappodiar Maestriar Avoo Lebbe Lebbe Marikar

4  Bastami Lebbe Kappodiar Maestriar

4  Omar Lebbe Marikar Kappodiar Maestriar

4  Sella Umma Kappodiar Maestriar

 5  Sevata Umma

 5  Avoo Lebbe Marikar

 6  Amsa Umma ALM

 7  Kandu Umma

  8  Pathuma Umma

  8  (Name not known)

  8  (Name not known)


4  Segu Lebbe Marikar

5  Omar Lebbe Marikar SLM

6  Muhammad Faleel OLM

6  Muhammad Jameel OLM

6  Pathuma Noorani OLM

7  Sithy Soosana

7  Sithy Khadeeja

7  Omerdeen

6  Muhammad Naleefa OLM

6  Ummu Habeeba OLM

7  (Name not known)

7  (Name not known)

6  Ayesha Umma OLM

6  Muhammad Haniffa OLM

6  Zabeeda Umma OLM

6  Habeeba Umma OLM

6  Hamza Umma OLM

6  Haniffa Umma OLM

7  Ummu Rafia

8  Muhammad Jamaldeen

7  Muhammad Zahir

7  Ummu Faleela

7  Muhammad Muneer

7  Zaneera Umma

7  Muhammad Fali

6  Amina Umma OLM

6  Aliyar Marikar OLM

6  Moomina Umma OLM


4  Meera Lebbe Marikar

5  Sinna Lebbe Marikar MLM

5  Samsudeen MLM

5  Noorudeen MLM

5  Abdul Rahman MLM

5  Sevatamma MLM

5  Avoo Lebbe Marikar Meera Lebbe Marikar
    6  Aboobucker + Zainambu Natchiya (10)

      7  Aboobucker Mohamed Hasheem (Pokiri) + Rukiya Periya Thamby Abdullah (93)

         8  Nasoordeen Hasheem + Sithy Sanoofa (Veyangalla)

         8  Kubra Hasheem + Nizar

            9  Sadoona Nizar 1937 + Mohamed Abdul Rauf Misbah 1925 (13)

                10  Fathima Nizreen Misbah 1956 + Mohamed Imthiaz Azeez (314)

                     11  Afkham Azeez + Tasleema Mueenudeen (g/d of Dr Shaideen, of Castle Lane, Colombo 4, Family #244)

                           12  Zainab Azeez

                           12  Zahra Azeez

                           12  (Name Not Known) Azeez

                    11  Afraz Azeez

                    11  Bilaal Azeez

                    11  Ayoub Azeez  

               10  Fathima Fazeena Misbah + Mohamed Hilmi Sulaiman

                    11  Fathima Aashika Sulaiman + Mass Muhammed Brumoon Ahamat (settled in USA)

                         12  Jannah Maryam Ahamat

                         12  Haroon Abdullah Ahamat

                         12  Abdullah Moosa Ahamat

                         12  Rayyaan Eesa Ahamat

                   11  Dr Mohamed Ahsen Sulaiman + Ayesha Jawzi Nizar

                   11  Ahmed Aadil Sulaiman+ Fathima Amal Ihtisam

        8  *2nd Spouse of Kubra Hasheem: + Mahboob Abubakr

            9  [1] Mohamed Fahim Mahboob + [2] Fathima Rinza Dhahlan

            9  Markil Mahboob

        8  Sithy Fathima Hasheem, d:Feb 21 2007 + Abdul Matheen Ghouse (30)

SITHY FATHIMA GHOUSE  - Wife of Marhoom Abdul Matheen Ghouse, beloved mother of Shahul Hameed,Mazhar, Miqdam and Miswar, mother-in-law of Marhooma Farilla, Ryhan and Zulfiya Janaza leaves residence at 10 am for Burial to Maligawatte Muslim Burial ground 36/5, Galle Rd, Bambalapitiya DN Thu Feb 22 2007

           9  Shahul Hameed Ghouse + Farilla Kamil (40)

              10  Rumaila Ghouse

              10  Faika Ghouse

              10  Faliha Ghouse

          9  Mazhar Ghouse + Ryhan Aziz (52,69,140,142)

              10  Sharmil Ghouse

              10  Navid Ghouse

              10  Aslam Ghouse

              10  Nishard Ghouse

          9  Miqdam Ghouse + Zulfiya

          9  Miswar Ghouse

      8  MHM Dhahlan JP + Sithy Amina Gaffoor

         9  [2] Fathima Rinza Dhahlan + [1] Mohamed Fahim Mahboub

         9  Fathima Rifka Dhahlan + Jawfer Sadiq Mugheeth (161)

             10  Fathima Yousra Mugheeth
             10  Fathima Nusra Mugheeth
             10  Mohamed Amjad Mugheeth

         9  Fahima Rizna Dhahlan

                      9  Mohamed Mohideen Rushdi Dhahlan + Tassy

4  Sella Umma

4  Muthu Natchiya

4  Sahib Dorai

5  Aasiya Umma SD 


Ahmed Lebbe Maestriar  

Meera Lebbe Maestriar

4  Uduma Lebbe Marikar MLM


Ahumadu Natchiyar

Sahibu Dorai

Ummani Umma

Kandu Umma 

Cassim Lebbe Marikar

4  Meera Lebbe Marikar CLM

5  Abdul Latiff MLM

5  Abdul Azeez MLM

5  Hajji Marikar MLM

6  Muhammad Hajji Marikar

6  Zainudeen Hajji Marikar

6  Muhammad Muhiyadeen Hajji Marikar

5  Sheikh Abdul Cader MLM

5  Hameeda Umma MLM

5  Ameera Umma MLM

5  Muhammad Mohideen MLM


2  Othman Lebbe Marikar Sheikh Abdul Cader (Shekadi) Marikar (b:1799) + Muthu Natchia (d/o Ummu Hany)

Ahmed Lebbe Marikar ULM + Muthu Natchia

4  Uduma Lebbe Marikar ALM + ILM Amsa Umma  (13)

               5  Ayesha Umma ALM + CM Yusuf
                   6  Marzook Yusuf

                   6  Saleem Yusuf + Ameena Zavahir

                        7  Fathima Rehana Saleem + Rishard Abdul Azeez

                        7  Fathima Zeena Saleem + Muhammad Shafiu Uvais

                        7  Fathima Rafia Saleem

                    6  Ataya Yusuf + Abdul Cader

                    6  Sithy Naleema Yusuf + Wazir Awfer Rasheed

                    6  Hussain Yusuf + Khanima Idroos

           5  Majida Umma ALM + Mohideen OLM

                6  Sithy Aysha Mohideen + Muhammad Idris Sadoon

                6  Mulaffer Mohideen

                6  Ameena Mohideen

                6  Mymoon Umma Mohideen

                6  Uhaneeda Mohideen
            5  Oduman Lebbe Marickar Shaheed + Sithy Khadija Abdul Hamid

                6  Noorul Hamza + MYM Mohideen

                      7  Zuhairul Hassan + Minha

                      7  Mohamed Ashroff + Farida

                      7  Ummu Zohara + ARM Farook

                         8  Shahul Hameed Mohamed Fyroze + Sithy Fazana Mohamed Fyroze (Farook)

                            9   Fathima Nusra Mohamed Fyroze + Abdul Muizz Sheriff (20)

                                  10  Fathimah Sidrah Sheriff

                                  10  Mohamed Abdulqadir Sheriff

                    7  Sithy Fathima + ARM Shakir

                    7  Noor Rahma + Nafi Zohar 

                6  Zainul Kuluda Saheed + LMM Zavahir

                    7  Inayathul Badhri + MKM Yusuf Alavi

                 6  M Saheed M Mohideen + Noor Zain Munsoor (13)

                    7  Bahajathus Saniya Mohideen (1945) + Mohammed Hassan Muhiyadeen Bin Mohamed (1932) D 74

                         8  Mohamed Shahul Hamid Farhan Bin Hassan (1969) + Zubaida Zahra Salih (1978) (58)

                             9  Fathima Hasna Hassan (1997) 

                    7  Afeerathul Abida Mohideen (1946) + MZM Zahroff (1945)

                         8  Muammar Ashfaaq Zahroff (1977) + Rizwana

                         8  Fathima Zahara Zahroff (1980) + MLM Ameen (1969)

                             9  Fathima Nushda Ameen (2009)

                         8  Mushtaq Ahamed Zahroff (78) + Rizla  

                    7  Ashroff Rizvi (1948) + Ingrid R C Pietersz (1948) (Australia)

                 6  Iynul Marliya Saheed + MHM Sadook

                 6  MSM Shafeek + Alavi Mazahira Abdul Cader (50) (div)

                 6  2nd spouse of MSM Shafeek + Sithy Fariha Mohideen

                 6  MSM Navaz + Ummu Thahira Abdul Rahman

                     7  Hamzathul Haniya + Zainul Abdeen

                     7  MNM Feisal Hussain + Raihanathul Faakiha

                     7  MNM Iqbal Fahmi + Habiba Ayeshathul Ramziya

                     7  Sithy Haleema + Hilmy Hussain

                     7  MNM Saiful Islam + Fathima Nairoza Laafir 

                 6  Ummu Afeerathul Aabida Saheed

                 6  Binthi Mazahima Saheed + M Leyaudeen

                     7  Kamil Freed Leyaudeen + Mahaliya 
6 2nd Spouse of Binthi Mazahima Saheed + Muhammad Hibshi Zohar (10)

4  Sheikh Marikar ALM + Moomina Umma (50)

5  Fatheela Umma SM+ Muhammad Zain       

6  Rafeeka Umma Zain + Liyaudeen HASM
    7  Moomin

6  *2nd spouse of Rafeeka Umma Zain: + Ghaffar  

6  Awfer Zain + Girlie Berenger

6  Lafir Zain

6  Sithy Sameena Zain + Azwer MZM

6  Fidwi Zain

6  Iynul Nazeera Zain + Haseeb Muhammad Mohideen    

5  Jabir SM, Dr, lived at Razeendale Gardens, Colombo 4

6  Jabir SM Dr (junior) 


4  [214] Ummu Hany ALM + [213] Cassim MBM (80)

5  [211] Zacky MCM + [212] Noor Neima        

6  Cassim Zacky  

6  Faji Zacky         

6  Huzaima Zacky + Zahir MCM          

7  Iqbal Zahir   

6  Budry Zacky + Ismail   

6  Khadija Zacky + Nazim MSM          

7  Muzammil Nazim   

7  Mizhar Nazim         

7  Inam Nazim

7  Shiraz Nazim

6  Sithy Maziya Zacky + Abdul Rahman AJ    

7  Zohara Abdul Rahman

7  Shireen Abdul Rahman     

7  Fauzy Abdul Rahman        

7  Imraan Abdul Rahman       

7  Nazeema Abdul Rahman  

7  Hameeda Abdul Rahman 

7  Lareefa Abdul Rahman     

6  Zulaikha Zacky 

6  Iyn Zacky + Siddique AGM  

6  Kabeer Zacky   

6  Nazir Zacky + Mugheetha       

7  Shameema Nazir   

7  Shamila Nazir         

6  Azeez Zavky     

5  Ziard MCM + Ummu Naima           

6  Muhammad Cassim Ziard + Fathima Zafrun Anver (11)

6 Suhail Ziard        

6  Muhammad Faleel Ziard

5  Sithy Zulaiha MCM + Sulaiman Marikar-Bawa  (62)

               6  Noor Rahmaniya Marikar-Bawa (1914-2002) + MCM Kaleel Dr Deshamanya (1899 -1994) [He was the third Ceylon Moor to qualify as a Doctor. He began his political career in 1942, by becoming Member of the State Council, ending immediately prior to independence. Subsequently, he was elected to the Colombo Central electorate in 1950 and served as Minister of Labour and Social Services. His second term began in 1960 when he was given the portfolio of Minister of Home Affairs and Rural Development. He was a founder member of All Ceylon Muslim League and functioned as its President for 45 years. He was a founder member of the UNP and later functioned as its President till his demise on 19th October 1994. Mudaliyar AL Sinnalebbe Member of Parliament for Madakalapuva in the Eastern Province moved in Parliament in January 1948, the following motion: "That this House is of the opinion that the Royal Standard of King Sri Wickrama Rajasinha depicting a yellow lion passant holding a sword in its right paw on a red background which was removed to England after the convention of 1815 should once again be adopted as the official flag of free Lanka".  Dr MCM Kaleel, the President of the All-Ceylon Muslim League expressed in no uncertain terms that the Muslims would be happy to retain the Lion Flag as the flag of independent Lanka His long and dedicated service to the nation and the party was recognized when President JR Jayawardena bestowed him the Deshamanya award. The Government of Sri Lanka issued a Stamp in honour of him on 18th October 2002.] (217218)

7  Nawaz Kaleel Dr + Ummu Naima Halimdeen (128)  (Migrated to UK)      

7  Fahmy Kaleel Dr + Ereefa Maruzooq (313) (Migrated to UK)

8  Muhammad Nawaz Kaleel      

8  Muhammad Hejaz Kaleel

8  Muhammad Hisham Kaleel

8  Ayesha Sameeha Kaleel

8  Faizul Hassen Kaleel

7  Sithy Huzaifa Kaleel + Muhsin MJM CCS       

8  Aynul Kareema Muhsin + Shumsul Hussain 

8  Fathima Rehana Muhsin + Afgeralli  

8  Imtiaz Hussain Muhsin + Haseena Shafeek (46,30)

                        9  Fathima Muhsin 1984 + Mohamed Sa'ad Ghouse (20,30,60,70,90a,93)

        10  Asma Ghouse

        10  Luqman Ghouse
        10  Harun Ghouse

        10  Zainab Ghouse
        10  Dawud Ghouse
    9  Ayesha Muhsin 1985 + Mohamed Ali

    9  Abdullah Muhsin 1987

    9  Ibrahim Muhsin 1990
    9  Aaminah Muhsin 1995

    9  Ahmed Muhsin 1996
    9  Rukaiyah Muhsin, 2000

8  Noor Zulaikha Muhsin + Abdul Rasool 

9 Siraj Rasool              

7  Fathima Hanoon Kaleel + Jouffer Sadiq MH (108 , 173 , 175)

8  Noor Shifa Ja'afer Sadiq + Munas Fasiel    (173)

9  Azhar Mohamed Munas Dr +  Nabila Sameer m:2010 (10 , 13 , 20 , 30 , 46 , 60, 70 , 80 . 93) (Migrated to Australia)
    10  Liyana Khadija Munas b:2008 Australia

9  Zahara Fasiel

8  Ayeshathul Hafsa Sadiq + Nishtar AMM    

9  Shaharwan Nishtar + Sinnan Hafeel

Sulaiman Nisthar

9  Sakeena Nisthar + Altaf Jabir (1977)

Dawood Nisthar

Salman Nisthar

Haleema Nisthar

8  Omer Maqbul Sadiq Dr

8  Fathima Sara Sadiq + Rizvi Salih Dr

8  Mosadiq Ali Sadiq       

7  Sithy Niloufer Kaleel + Faiz Mansoor

   8  Nasreen Kaleel + Shahjehan Marikar Bawa (62) UK
       9  Laila Marikar-Bawa

8  Muhammad Ikram Mansoor + Nazneen

8  Sithy Fahima Mansoor + Rizwan

8  Muhammad Reza Mansoor    

7  Ummu Zulaikha Kaleel + Munsir Meeran Dr (108 ,173,175)

8  Muhammad Careem Meeran Dr 

8  Marina Aida Meeran   

7  Aynul Kaleel  + Ashok Lal (India)

8 Afthab Lal

7  Aslam Kaleel + Ayesha     

8  Reza Kaleel      

8  Shireen Kaleel 

7  Rizvi Suada Kaleel + Feizal MRM Dr 

8  Muhammad Rumi Feizal

8  Muhammad Akram Feizal      

7  Muhammad Shiraz Kaleel + Fathima Dheena Zaheed (30 , 40 , 62 , 73 , 80 , 239) (Migrated to UK)

8  Sabry Kaleel

8  Adhil Kaleel

8  Shukri Kaleel + Amina Dos

6  Noor Jameela Marikar-Bawa + Muhammad Thaifoor Hassim (1910-1985)(30 , 40)

7  Noor Nissa Hassim + Zubair Makeen M  

8  Shamim Makeen (1953) + Imka Hashim (1961) (13195214)

9  Hazik Makeen (1989)

9  Afeef Makeen (1995)  

8  Ahmed Sajid Makeen + Ayesha

9  Rashard Makeen

9 Abdulla Makeen

9 Ameer Makeen

7  Hussain Kemal Hassim (decd in UK)

No Issues

7  Ismet Ghouse Hassim +  Sithy Nalifathul Faizath Hasheem(191)

8  Arthifa Ziyana Ghouse 

8  Muhammad Afthab Ghouse    

7  Sithy Zohera Hassim + Saeed AMM

8 Shahzadi Saeed + Hilmy Zainudeen

9  Hafiz Zainudeen

9  Fadhil  Zainudeen

9  Naheed Zainudeen

8  Zakir Ali Saeed

8  Farah Azka Saeed   + Nouzer Fowzy

9 Akeela Fowzy

9 Aneesa Fowzy

9 Adhil Fowzy   

7  Azhara Hassim + Muhammad Hamza Zaheed Proctor (73239)         

8  Fathima Dheena Zaheed + Shiraz Kaleel  (6280217218) (Migrated to UK)

9  Sabry Kaleel

9  Adhil Kaleel

9  Shukri Kaleel + Amina Dos

8  Muhammad Imran Zaheed + Shiraza Rishard

9  Ameena Zaheed

9  Rushdi Zaheed

9 Zaina Zaheed

8  Ahmed Irfan Zaheed Attorney at Law + Jamaliya Razeen Salih (Migrated to Canada)

8  Fathima Nasreen Zaheed + Yehiya

8  Fathima Narmin Zaheed + Rameez

9  Sulaiman Rameez

9  Jameela Rameez

9 Rahma Rameez

8  Muhammad Ehsan Zaheed + Fathima Nizar (62)

9  Thalib Zaheed      

9 Abdulla Zaheed  

8  Muhammad Farzan Zaheed   

8  Fathima Azkiya Zaheed Attorney at Law + Hisham Cader

9 Amaan Cader

9 Ayyad Cader


            7  Thahira Hassim (d:Oct-21-2021)  + Fazi A.R.M. (d:Jun-18-2000) (191)


                8  M.Firaz Fazi + Nuzra Nijar





                    9  Khadeeja Firaz






                8  M Fariz Fazi + Fariza Mowlana





                    9  Ahmedh Humaidh Fariz





                    9  Raaidha Aniqa Fariz





                    9  Aaima Isra Fariz






                8  M Faheem Fazi + Iman





                8  F Nazneen Fazi + Arquil Haniffa





                    9  Hammadh Arquil






                    9  Raashid Arquil






                   9  Ammar Arquil






               8  M Farzad Fazi + Nelly Nurmalasari( Indonesian)



                   9  Ashaz Mikael Farzad





                   9  Adyan Jibreel Farzad





                   9  Daniyal Jamal Farzad












7  Nazli Hassim + Rizwi Sadiq (30 , 40)

8  Fathima Saniya Sadiq + Nazmi Jabir

9  Nazeeha Jabir        

8  Fathima Shihama Sadiq + Muhammad Husni Ghouse (10 , 80 , 111 , 115)

9  Mahdi Ghouse

9  Mariam Ghouse

9 Shukriya Ghouse

8  Mumtaz Fazeena Sadiq + Rahmathullahuh Huzair (323)

9  Areeb Huzair 

9  Amaan Huzair        

7  Ummul Khyr Hassim + Hussain Nazeer  (162)

8  Fathima Azmina Nazeer Dr + Najil Farook (107680)

9  Tariq Farook

9  Hasna Farook          

8  Muhammad Afzal Nazeer + Shezmin Afwan

9 Sulaiman Nazeer

9 Amina Nazeer

8  Yasmin Aadila Nazeer + Reza Wadood

9 Arshad Wadood

8  Aasif Wahid Nazeer + Shameema Salie

9 Izzath Sakeena

7  Munir Faizal Hassim + Rehana Sakkaf

8  Ejaz Faizal

7  Mumtaz Hassim + Faizal MAM  Proctor

8  Yusuf Ahsan Faizal      

8  Fathima Mubeena Faizal Attorney at Law + Imran Farook

9 Idraak Farook

     9 Idrees Farook

7  Ifthikar Hassim Advocate (1946) + Sahiya Abdullah (1954)

8  Amriya Hassim Attorney-at-Law (1978) + Zakir Mihlar (1972) (31137195214215, 380)

Adheeb Shareef Mihlar (2003)

9  Nafeesa Zainab Mihlar (2007)

8  Ashiq Hassim Attorney-at-Law

8  Ashna Hassim

8  Amani Hassim (1989) + Imaadh Marikar Bawa (1985) (1319616280108259)
Aneeqa Maryam Marikar Bawa (2016)

7  Sithy Zulaikha Hanoon Hassim + Zahir Marikar     

8  Fathima Mariam Marikar        

8  Fathima Ilma Marikar  

8  Fathima Naaila Marikar

8  Yusra Marikar   

7  Shireen Hassim + Nasry AMA  

8  Fathima Sarah Nasry + Rizmy Rishard

9 Lamaan Rishard

9 Liyaana Rishard

8  Fathima Laila Nasry Attorney-at-Law + Shazil Ismail

9 Inara Ismail   

7  Muhammad Ghouzul Faizeen Hassim + Fathima Moreena Salih (30 , 4058170171)

8  Muhammad Nabil Faizeen + Safra Bafiq (40), m:July 2016

6  Noorul Akram Marikar-Bawa + Shahabdeen MSM Proctor SC  

7  Muhammad Alaudeen Shahabdeen + Rifaya Yahiya     

8  Fathima Sajida Shabdeen + Ahmad

9  Daughter

8  Ahmed Sajad Shabdeen

 7  Sithy Alaviya Munawara Shahabdeen + Zahir Sufi-Ismail

8  Suhaila Sufi-Ismail + Azhar Hussain

9  Siham Hussain + Aslam Azad Dr (Migrated to USA)

10  Sabrina Azad

9  Shifa Hussain

8  Shanaz Sufi-Ismail + MSMYusuf

9  Fathima Sameeha Yusuf + Javid Wahab

9  Noor Shadiah Yusuf

9  Mohamed Yameen Yusuf

9  Iqbal Yaseen Yusuf

8  Shigufa Sufi-Ismail + Hilmi Shaideen

9  Fathima Shazniah Shaideen + Ifthikar Saifudeen (Migrated to USA)

9  Fathima Shazreena Shaideen

8  Shihara Sufi-Ismail + MMM Shuaib

9  Ahmed Salman Shuaib

9  Fathima Salama Shuaib

9  Sulaiman Shuaib

8  Shiraza Sufi-Ismail  +  MDM Rizvi

9  Fathima Sumaiah Rizvi

9  Mohamed Rizwan Rizvi

8  Shamila Sufi-Ismail  +  M.Asad Razak

9  Mohamed Azam Razak

9  Fathima Shameema Razak

8  Zahran Sufi-Ismail + Fathima Ishka

  5   Zubaida Umma MCM + Cassim Marikar-Bawa (62)

6  Razeen Marikar-Bawa

6  Halima Marikar-Bawa 

5  Zackariya MCM


4  Name not known + Abu Sally Hajiar

5  Uhaneeda Abu Sally


Cassim (Casy) Lebbe Marikar Hajiar + Aseena Umma (sister of Idroos Lebbe Marikar ) 

4  Zainambu Marikar Hajiar

5  Zulaiha

5  Khadija      

5  Abida        

5  Hafiz Faleel

5  Mukhtar Razeen   

5  Hadjie Nouver      

4  Mariam Marikar Hajiar

5  Aneesa      

4  Safia Umma Marikar Hajiar  

4  Sheriff Hajiar Marikar Hajiar


Name Not  Known + Hassen Lebbe Marikar Avuducandu Marikar, First Turkish Consul aka Kodipota Marikar (1st Bed – he married his wife’s younger sister after her death) (106) 

4  Othman Hajiar Avuducandu Marikar , Trustee of Maligawatte Muslim BurialGrounds, + Muthachi (d/o Hassen Lebbe)

5  Noordeen Othman, Trustee of Maligawatte Muslim Burial Grounds

5  Sulaiman Othman, Trustee of Maligawatte Muslim Burial Grounds

5  Abeema Othman + Hameed

5  Raihan Othman + Mahmood

5  Haseena Othman + Uduma Lebbe Marikar

5  Nafia Othman + Zainudeen


4  Abdul Majeed Avuducandu Marikar, succeeded his father as Turkish Consul in Sri Lanka + Ummu Honey Marikar

5  Fathima ("Big Mama") Abdul Majeed 1891+ Mohideen Abdul Cader (MAC) Muhammad 1879 (11)

6  Razi Muhammad + [270] Ayesha Marikar (251)

7  Ifthiquar Haroun Muhammad + Gail Anderson

8  Tia Farina Muhammad, b:22-Feb-1969 + Thomas Owen (div)

9  Tess Owen

8  2nd spouse of Tia Farina Muhammad + John Allen

9  Jade Maya Allen

8  Torres Muhammad + Kalimna

8  Hyla Farina Muhammad + Peter Allan Ryan

9  Seth Ryan

7  Abusha Niloufer Muhammad + [281] Martin York

8  Tarick York

8  Rasick Michael York

7  Isthiaq Rashard Muhammad + [278] Prasanna Reddy

8  Anaeka Muhammad

6  Honeya Muhammad + Abdullah S Muhammad

7  Alavi Muhammad + Amrita Fernando

8  Ashur Muhammad + Lajja Merchant

8  Almira Muhammad

7  Nuzala Muhammad

7  Mumtaz Muhammad

7  Shorab Khalid Ibrahim Muhammad + Fouzil Ismail

8  Shaista Ibrahim Muhammad

6   2nd Spouse of Honeya Muhammad: + Dhahlan Ibrahim (12,11) d:1999

7  Shaela Farina Ibrahim

6  Khadija (Katy) Muhammad, b:1919, d:Oct 21 2014 + [86] Abdul Majeed Marikar, (b:10/7/1914 - d:30/10/1984) (251)

7  Fathima Begum Fowziya Marikar, Qulaified from Trinity College of Music in Piano and taught in Calcutta and Ootty schools. Now in Lawrence school,Ootty + Midhath Wahab

8  Bashar Wahab, (b:31-Aug-1964) + Sabeena

9  Natasha Wahab, (b:1997)

6  2nd spouse of [1] Khadija (Katy) Muhammad, b:1919, d:Oct 21 2014: + [2] Marzook Muhammad Salahudeen Muhammad

7  [3] Muhammad Ifthikar (Chicka) Marzook + [4] Haleema Hameed (div)

8  [5] Yashar Marzook + [7] Michelle   

8  [6] Fazeena Marzook  

7  [8] Shiraz (Sherry) Marzook + [9] Feroza Salih 

8  [10] Ghazala Marzook + [11] Firaz   

8  [12] Nickshan Marzook        

7  [13] Muhammad Zihini Marzook + [14] Zareena Salih        

8  [15] Nabeel Marzook  

8  [16] Namik Marzook + Name Not Known

8  [16] 2nd spouse of Namik Marzook + Name Not Known

8  [16] 3rd spouse of Namik Marzook + Rusla Ismail (111)  

7  [17] Azmina (Mimi) Marzook + [18] Ifthikar Asgar

8  [19] Tania Asgar

7  [20] Khartoon (Cathy) Marzook + [21] Ismail Jiffrey Mohideen (div) (10,50)

7  2nd Spouse of [20] Khartoon (Cathy) Marzook: + [22] Peter Jackson

6  Hussain Sadiq Muhammad (1919) + Azile Gwyneth Williams (1923)

7  Sadiq Dawood (David) Muhammad (1950)

7  Hussain Rafi Muhammad (1952) + Catherine Anne Baker (1947)

8  Stefan Rafi Muhammad

7  Rashad Muhammad (1955)

7  Saleema (Sally) Muhammad (1961)

6  Hassan Muhammad 

6  Zahra Muhammad (1926-1981) + Mouhsin Wahid, Captain (1926)

7  Mehran Wahid, Captain (1955) + Kuraisha Hamid (1959)

8  Aniqah Wahid (1988)

8  Haris Wahid (1994)

7  Imran Wahid, Captain (1957) + Frayal Abdeen

8  Tasha Wahid (1984)

8  Aron Wahid (1993)

8  Zak Wahid

7  Karen Wahid (1958) + Shanti Bahar, Cmdr (1954-1993)

8  Kashan Bahar (1982)

8  Nastasia Bahar (1983)

5  Zubaida Abdul Majeed, (Zofi) ("Small Mama") + Abdul Hameed Salahudeen

6  [1] Muhammad Salahudeen Muhammad Marzook + [2] Khadija (Katy) Muhammad b:1919, d:Oct 21 2014  (11)

7  [3] Muhammad Ifthikar (Chicka) Marzook + [4] Haleema Hameed (div)

8  [5] Yashar Marzook + [7] Michelle   

8  [6] Fazeena Marzook  

7  [8] Shiraz (Sherry) Marzook + [9] Feroza Salih 

8  [10] Ghazala Marzook + [11] Firaz

8  *2nd spouse of [10] Ghazala Marzook + Name Not Known (USA)    

8  [12] Nickshan Marzook + Name Not Known

9  Name Not Known

7  [13] Muhammad Zihini Marzook + [14] Zareena Salih        

8  [15] Nabeel Marzook (d)

8  [16] Namik Marzook + Name Not Known

8  [16] 2nd spouse of Namik Marzook + Name Not Known

8  [16] 3rd spouse of Namik Marzook + Rusla Ismail (111)  

7  [17] Azmina (Mimi) Marzook + [18] Ifthikar Asgar

8  [19] Tania Asgar + Name Not Known (Pakistan)

7  [20] Khartoon (Cathy) Marzook + [21] Ismail Jiffrey Mohideen (div) (10,50)

7  2nd Spouse of [20] Khartoon (Cathy) Marzook: + [22] Peter Jackson

5  2nd Spouse of Zubaida (Zofi) Abdul Majeed: + Mamina Lebbe Abdul Azeez (18,106)

6  Muhammad Feizal Abdul Azeez

6  Shafeek Azeez + Otta Ingeborg Frisch      

7  Achim Azeez        

7  Gondula Azeez

6  Zaharoff Azeez + Badri Sheriffdeen (expired in Madinah 1995) (74)

7  Zahana Zachroff + Iftikhar Wahid

8  Muhammad Zaif Wahid

8  Fathima Ilma Wahid

7  Nihara Zachroff + Muhammad Kamal Sameer (20 , 30 , 46 , 60, 70 , 73 . 80 , 93)                  

8  Zahid Sameer

8 (son) Sameer

7  Mustharie Zachroff

6  Rizayathul Mymon Azeez, d:2007 + Mohideen Jalaldeen (13)

7  Rustom Jalaldeen

7  Ali Jalaldeen (Rhusdie)

7  Roshan Jalaldeen


3  Ummu Honeya Oduma Lebbe Marikar + Hassen Lebbe Marikar Avuducandu Marikar First Turkish Counsel 2nd bed (106) (married her sisters husband after her sisters death)

4  Habiba (Abee) Umma Ossen Lebbe Marikar + Madar Lebbe S.L., Trustee Maligawatte Muslim Burisla Grounds

5  Mohideen Natchia Maynan Umma Madar Lebbe + Mamuna Lebbe Abdul Azeez  (18)

6  Muhammad Thowfeek Abdul Azeez + Samuha Umma

7  Muhammad Thowfeek Muhammad Hussain + Noor Shoiba Mohideen

8  Muhammad Azeez Hussain + Roshme Yahya

9  Noor Lina Hussain

8  Sithy Azra Hussain + Risham Yahya

7  Muhammad Thowfeek Muhammad Bafiq + Zain Sharaf Kamil (40)

8  Ashraff Bafiq + Fahima

7  2nd Spouse of Muhammad Thowfeek Muhammad Bafiq: + Mazaina

8  Noorliya Bafiq +Yahya M.M.M. Dr

9  Risham Yahya + Sithy Azra Hussain

9  Roshme Yahya + Muhammad Azeez Hussain

10  Noor Lina Hussain

6  Noor Rafeeka Abdul Azeez + Abee Muhammad Abdul Hameed

7  Muhammad Marlene Hameed + Ayen Sadoon

7  Ummu Mazeena Hameed + Shahul Hameed, Dr

8  Fiaz Hameed + Fakhriya Hameed (172)

8  Shireen Hameed

7  Mohideen Hameed + Sithy Muhammad

8  Shazeena Hameed

8  Firzan Hameed

8  Awula Hameed

7  Nawaziya Hameed + Bathusha Mohideen

7  Ayen Hameed + Mihilar

6  Noorul Athika Abdul Azeez + Ramiz AAM

6  2nd spouse of Noorul Athika Abdul Azeez: + Ziard

7  Nasmee Ziard

6  Muhammad Mihilar Abdul Azeez + Sithy Fathuma Jalaldeen      (13)

7  Shah Bafiq Jalaldeen Mihilar

7  Shah Feroze Mihilar

8  Fathima Feroze Mihlar + Hussain Hibshi Ali

7  Shah Nawaz Mihilar

7  Shah Firdouse Mihilar

7  Kamil Shah Mihilar

7  Shah Zuhair Mihilar

7  Fathima Zulfiqar Mihilar + Mathar Sadi Naina Marikar

8  Fathima Muhusina

8  Fathima Marina

8  Sithy Rizna

8  Muhammad Kamil Asif

6  Ummu Abdul Azeez

6  Bafiq Abdul Azeez

5  Rahila Umma Madar Lebbe + Nauda Mohideen

5  Howla Umma Madar Lebbe + Abdul Cader AMM (96)

6  Muhammad Mansoor Abdul Cader + Sithy Zoheriya Mackeen

7  Muhammad Fareed Abdul Cader + Mehfuzathul Kareema Ariff (77, 172)

8  Sameeha Cader + Name Not Known (div)

8  2nd Spouse of [404] Sameeha Cader: + Farhan Sulaiman (30,60,70,90)

8  Sabry Cader + Name Not Known

7  Abdul Majeed Abdul Cader + Ilham Muhammad (10)

8  Fathima Hasna Cader + Rumaiz Mohideen (40)

9  Maleeha Mohideen, b:2001

9  Nabeeha Mohideen, b:2004

  8  Fathima Hasmin Cader + Asif Sheriff (20,30,46,60,70), m:July 20 2006

      9  Nuha Mariam Sheriff, b:2010
      9  Name Not Known
      9  Manal Noor Sheriff, b:5 Oct 2014

 8  Hanim Cader

                   7  Ummu Habeeba Abdul Cader + Muhammad Jazeed Ariff (77)

8  Mizher Ariff + (d/o Muhammad Jazeem Ariff) (77)

5  Muhammad L.M. Mackeen + Wajeeha Umma U.L.M.(21)

6  Sithy Zoheriya Mackeen + Muhammad Mansoor Abdul Cader (96)

7  Muhammad Fareed Abdul Cader + Mehfuzathul Kareema Ariff (77)

8  Sameeha Cader + Name Not Known (div)

8  2nd Spouse of Sameeha Cader: + Farhan Sulaiman (30,60,70,90,93)

8  Sabry Cader + Name Not Known

7  Abdul Majeed Abdul Cader + Ilham Muhammad

8  Fathima Hasna Cader + Rumaiz Mohideen (40)

9  Maleeha Mohideen, b:2001

9  Nabeeha Mohideen, b:2004

  8  Fathima Hasmin Cader + Asif Sheriff (20,30,46,60,70), m:July 20 2006

      9  Nuha Mariam Sheriff, b:2010
      9  Name Not Known
      9  Manal Noor Sheriff, b:5 Oct 2014

                       8  Hanim Cader
                    7  Ummu Habeeba Abdul Cader + Muhammad Jazeed Ariff (77)

8  Mizher Ariff + Ms. Jazeem Ariff (77)

6  Noorul Haseena Mackeen + Mohideen Hassan, Dr

7  Muhammad Fairoze Hassan + Firdausi Mahroof (17,30,144)

8  Muhammad Thabith Hassan + Salma Ziard, m:2007 (180)

     9  daughter

     9  daughter

8  Fathima Thameena Hassan + Zakraf Shafi b:1975 (30)

     9  Name Not Known

     9  Name Not Known

     9  Name Not Known

8  Muhammad Thayyib Hassan + Name Not Known

6  Izzethul Habeeba Mackeen + Sideek A.M.M. (80)

7  Ojeeda Zuraika Sideek + Omer Zuraik Kamil (40)

8  Ziyam Zuraik

7  Ahmed Malik Sideek

6  Shahul Hameed Mackeen


4  Deen Noor Ossen Lebbe Marikar + Lebbe Candu (Ishak) Marikar WM (106)

5  Fathima Umma Issack Marikar + Syed Alavi Moulana

5  Ghazali Umma Issack Marikar + Sulaiman O.H.M.

5  Ghouse Issack Marikar

5  Sheriffdeen Issack Marikar

5  Haniffa Issack Marikar + Sithy Raika Vadood

6  Fawkia Haniffa + Hussain Rizvi Junaid

7  Minza Hussain

7  Shyan Hussain

5  Ameena Umma Issack Marikar + Mohideen

 6  Muhammad Ghouse Mohideen + Noor Hidaya Saleem (30, 101)

  7  Fazlee Ghouse + Yumna

      8  Umair Ghouse + Tasneem Hamead (110)

      8  Usama Ghouse

  7  Faizer Ghouse + Fathima Rifka

       8  Safiya Ghouse + Shakir Hasheem

            9  Leena Aamina Shakir

            9  Haala Jamila

      8  Omar Ghouse

  7  Rehana Ghouse + Shiraz Hashim

          8  Thouseef Hassim + Mellissa

          8  Mariam + Asif Wazeer

               9  Tayba

               9  Huda

               9  Younes

  7  Roshana Ghouse + Hussain Noordeen

       8  Sumaiya + Mustafa

            9  Ibrahim

       8  Hafsa + Muradh

            9  Maryam

            9  Abdurahaman

            9  Ameera

  7  Shihama Ghouse + Althaf  Zahir

      8  Noorul Aisha Zahir + Abdul Faizer Akram

           9  Tayibah

           9  Amara

       8  Fathima Asma Zahir + Amin Ibrahim

            9  Aaliyah

  7  Saduna Ghouse + Nuhman Saheed

       8  Sa’ad Saheed + Khadija Ramzi (30)

       8  Nada Saheed + Adel

            9  Zara

            9  Hamza

       8  Rukaiya Saheed

  7  Niroza Ghouse + Zulfikar Ghouse

       8  Ahamed

       8  Zainab + Ameer Nazar

 7  Ghousiya Ghouse + Ziyam Haniffa

       8  Usmaan

       8  Shabeer

       8  Umaima

       8  Shameema

 7  Zahara Ghouse + Tharique Uvais

       8  Imaan

       8  Sabeeha   (Passed away in Botswana/South Africa)

                    8  Luqmaan

5  Ummul Muhsina Issack Marikar + Hassim S.M. (Bauthavali Hassim Nana) (2nd bed, was first married to  SLMH Thufa, daughter of SL Mahmood Hajiar  see Family #13)

6  Sithy Rilla Hassim + Mohideen AMM (80)

7  Mohamed Tofel Mohideen + Shifa Hanoon Nilar

7  2nd spouse of Mohamed Tofel Mohideen: + Fathima Munawara Amir

8  Fathima Sara Mohideen + Nowfel Majeed

8  Fathima Nadiya Mohideen

7 Thufathul Haseena Mohideen + Quwailid A.C.M.

8  Mohamed Imtiaz Quwailid

8  Mohamed Mohideen Quwailid

7 Ahmed Shah Navas Mohideen + Fathima Fareeha Naina Marikar (13)

8  Mohamed Hassan Shiham Mohideen

8  Fathima Ilma Mohideen


4 Pathumuthu Ossen Lebbe Marikar + Mamuna Lebbe Yoosoof (Saudagar)

5 Puthri Zohara Umma Yoosoof + Razeen ZDM

6 Noor Lahira Razeen + Mohideen ATM

5 -2nd spouse of Puthri Zohara Yoosoof: + Jaleel Samsudeen

6 Sithy Fathima Jaleel + Mahfoul ALM

6 Muhammad Farook Jaleel + Ummu Thameema Levana Marikar

6 Muhammad Zubair Jaleel + Halima Mowjood

6 Sithy Qureisha Jaleel + Mahfoul A.L.M.

7 Nuzha Mahfoul

7 Mazina Mahfoul

5 -3rd spouse of Puthri Zohara Yoosoof: + Mahmood HML

6 Noor Zohry Mahmood + Ansar Mohideen

5 Jamaldeen Hajiar Yoosoof (Ashook Nana) + Mufliha Zainudeen

6 Zarina Jamaldeen + Izzet Abdul Cader

6 -2nd spouse of Zarina Jamaldeen: + Zain Deen Muhammad Ghouse

6 Zufer Jamaldeen + Sithy Jameela Sathuk

6 Mazina Jamaldeen + [Saly Bin Ahamed, Captain

6 -2nd spouse of Mazina Jamaldeen: + Izzet Abdul Cader

6 Fazina Jamaldeen + Saleem Abdul Cader

6 Zafeena Jamaldeen + Sufian Abdul Cader

7 Osman Sufiyan + Azmi Hassan

8 Roshan Osman

8 Afzie Osman

5 Ummu Kuluzu Yoosoof + Rasheed SLMH

6 Wazir Afwer Rasheed + Naleema Yusuf

7 Muhammad Thahir Awfer + Khyria Thassim

6 Aynul Malhara Rasheed + Mohideen MSM 1908

7 Aynul Nissa Mohideen + Uvais Razik

8 Yasmin Uvais

8 Jaroos Uvais

8 Jihana Uvais

8 Juzada Uvais

8 Jezil Uvais

8 Julia Uvais

7 Hidaya Mohideen + Zahir MTM

8 Azfal Zahir

8 Fathima Zahir + Jabir

8 Shahama Zahir

8 Sabrina Zahir

7 Rifaya Mohideen + Hafil AHM

8 Zafil Hafil

7 Balkis Mohideen

7 Sheriff Mohideen

6 Noorul Azhara Rasheed + Mohideen SDM

7 Erifa Mohideen

7 Iqbal Mohideen

7 Siraj Mohideen

7 Fiona Mohideen

7 Feroza Mohideen

6 Ummu Rilaya Rasheed + Muhsin

7 Rehana Muhsin + Rizan Mackeen

7 Rizwan Muhsin

7 Razmi Muhsin

7 Rihas Muhsin

6 Inayathul Hamza Rasheed + Razik Sikander

7 Mumtaz Sikander

7 Iriziya Sikander + Marzook

7 Farzan Sikander

6 Sithy Ameena Rasheed + Nasrulla ANM

7 Basma Nasrulla + Imthiaz Joonoos

7 Sugra Nasrulla


4  Zulaikha Umma Ossen Lebbe Marikar + Shiekh Marikar Mahmood (146) (Galee Chacha)

5  Hussain MM + Ayesha Umma Abdul Hameed (17,90)

6  Hilmi Hussain + Khairiya Salih (10,17,80,93,106)

                   7  Rifaya Hussain + Mahmood Jehad Ariff d:Apr 28, 2018 (77)

                       8  Jezmi Ariff + Shaznah

                       8  Yakub Ariff + Azahara Rafi Ismail (div) (111)

                       8   2nd spouse of Ya'coob Ariff + Faihah

                       8  Ruqaiyah Ariff + Amar Ghafoor

7  Nabila Hussain + Naquib Hashim

7  Kareema Hussain

7  Irshad Hussain + Feroza

6  Mohideen Hussain + Nazeeha

7  Azra Hussain

7  Ayesha Hussain

7  Rabia Hussain

6  Alavi Hussain + Farika Sufi-Ismail

6  Ismeth Hussain

4  Saheeda Umma Ossen Lebbe Marikar + WM Sinne Lebbe Marikar Hajiar

5  Sinne Lebbe Marikar Muhammad Saleem + Maleeha


        Pathuma Natchiyar Oduma Lebbe Marikar

Aythu Lebbe Oduma Lebbe Marikar

Sella Kandu (Chellachy) Oduma Lebbe Marikar + Sinne Lebbe Marikar (Goradial)

4  Asseena Umma Sinne Lebbe Marikar

4  Sinne Lebbe Marikar Muhamnmad Ismail


Minna Marikar Oduma Lebbe Marikar

Thangatchy Natchiya Umma Oduma Lebbe Marikar

4  Hassan Natchiya (Thatha Umma) + Ahmed Lebbe Marikar

5  Safiya Umma Ahmed Lebbe Marikar + Meera Lebbe Marikar

5  Asseena Umma Ahmed Lebbe Marikar + Periya Thamby Marikar

5  Ahmed Lebbe Marikar Zainudeen


Meera Lebbe Oduma Lebbe Marikar

Oduma Lebbe Marikar Sheikh Abdul Cader (died a bachelor)


2  Asma Natchiyar Sheikh Abdul Cader (Shekadi) Marikar

2  Ummu Saleema Natchiyar Sheikh Abdul Cader (Shekadi) Marikar

2  Sella Kandu Natchiyar Sheikh Abdul Cader (Shekadi) Marikar

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