About Us!

Thank you for visiting the Zacatecas GenWeb Project.  This site is part of the World GenWeb Project.  We are a group of volunteers who believes in free genealogy to all and do our best to get the current Zacatecas genealogical information available to you as quick as we possibly can.

Zacatecas GenWeb ProjectYour State Coordinator is Patricia Stanard.  Patricia has been researching her family’s Zacatecas roots since the late ’80’s.  She has her own personal blog (6 years) and is in the process of putting her family tree on her blog as well.

She started searching her family roots when after one of the annual family reunions, she realized that she didn’t know much about her dad’s side of the family.  As a child of divorced parents, this realization fueled her curiosity and started her on a 25+ year journey into find more about this side of the family.

Please bookmark the Zacatecas GenWeb Project, and come back to visit us often!  We hope that you find this site helpful in your research into your Mexican roots and please let us know if you have any questions or problems with the website by using the Contact Us button in the menu above.

Thank you!






