St. Nicholas Home Mid Year Dinner Party - 2007


From: "Jeremy"
Subject: Mid year dinner party at St Nicholas Home Dehiwela

Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 09:17:14 +1000

Dear Friends,

Please find attached a few photographs from the mid year dinner party at St Nicholas home in Dehiwela and kindly sponsored by Jeremy Henderling. I believe a good time was had by all with a hearty meal to follow. Russell Gomesz (former vocalist with the "Bohemians" & "Harold Seniviratne Combo") led the sing-a-long with some old favourites, ending up, forced to "up the tempo" for some dancing and to reignite some long forgotten dance steps. God bless them all.

As in the past two years, we hope to organise yet another Christmas dinner this year and to bring something special to the home.

Best Regards