Sri Lankan Sinhalese Family Genealogy

 ATTARAGAMA, Raja Guru Bandara - Family #3055

1   Raja Guru Bandara Attaragama (son of Ganegoda Kumarihamy) 1700-1782

Born:1700 at Attaragama. Educated under Kobbekaduwa Rajaguru Sri Niwasabidhana Thera, Welivita Pindapatika Asarana Sarana Saranankara Thera. Entered the Order. Higher Ordination under Upali Maha Thera of Siam (Thailand). Disrobed himself at the request of the King. Received the position of “Purohita Amatya” from King Keerthi Sri Rajasinghe. Teacher of Ven. Koratota and Heenetikumbura Sumangala Thera. Works include, Pushpa Manjari, Saddhamata, Sudhira Muka Mandanaya, Vurthawatharaya. Died:1782