Sri Lanka Burgher Family Genealogy

NEWMAN - Family #1198

1  Newman

    2  William Newman, inscription to  in the Galle Face burial ground. He died in Colombo on 13th Nov., 1855 ared 47 years and was married in Kandy on July, 22, 1839 to Mary Flood. They resided at Udawela estate.

        3  Eliza Maria Newman + George Tillotson Hartley, a well known Ceylon planter who died in 1933 aged 79. Eliza was buried in Malaya, where she died, in the cemetery in Kamunting Road,Taiping.

            4  Step daughters were:Miss Alicia Hartley of Alexandria and Mrs Pascoe of Yatiyantota.

            4  daughter + Hatton of Taiping

            4  Miss Hartley of Tapah

            4  daughter + Hector Koch of Ceylon

            4  Ralph.R Hartley of Tapah

            4  H. Hartley of Utan Melintang